“You were with Teresa in the market,” Julia interrupted. “I saw you with her and I thought she saw me.”

“She never said so.” The siblings exchanged a long glance. “I am sorry to both of you. No snub was intended, I swear.”

Melanie sighed. “Miss Radley and I actually found each other in the market this morning and passed a happy hour visiting stallholders there.”

Valentine beamed. “I trust all went well.”

“Very well. Each and every one we met spoke well of your imminent marriage.”

Valentine eased into the chair beside Julia and caught her fingers. “My secret weapon, my dear sister’s faith in me. I don’t deserve her.”

Melanie stifled a short laugh and then sobered. “Might I venture upstairs?”

“You do not need to ever ask that,” he promised.

Julia frowned as Melanie swept from the room. “She has changed.”

“No, she hasn’t really but she is trying. And my behavior has disappointed her too.”

Julia caught his hand and squeezed. “Sisters are very forgiving.”

When Valentine leaned in to kiss her, Julia allowed the impropriety. It had been the most revealing morning of her life. She was not a good student but Melanie had more patience than she’d given her credit for.

When she drew back, Valentine’s eyes were dark with mischief. “What have you and my sister been chatting about?”

“I asked for her help. I do need to impress the company; to do what she does for you seems daunting.”

His eyes glowed and he kissed her again. “Don’t change too much.”

“Easy for you to say. You’re not expected to glide into a room, float onto chairs or carry on inane conversations about the weather.” She despised young women who acted as if a serious thought had never occurred to them. “Where did you go after the market?”

“Oh, here and there. I ran into an old friend from school after I took Teresa to the hotel and got to chatting about our fathers.”

“I see.”

Valentine kissed her softly. His fingers curved around her face and he looked deeply into her eyes.

Julia trembled at what she saw there. “Your sister is here,” she whispered.

“My sister was kind enough to retire upstairs. Her door closed.” Valentine eased her into the seat back gently and nibbled on her neck in that way he had to make her senses leap. “She won’t disturb us.”

His teeth grazed her neck and although the sensation was lovely, she pushed him away. “Valentine. We shouldn’t.”

“I know.” He met her gaze. “But you do want to be wicked with me.”

“Yes, but I don’t want trouble with your sister today. Not after she’s been so kind.”

He brushed a hand down her arm and settled over her hip. “No breeches today.”

“Not today.” She adopted a haughty posture. “I was attempting to be a lady.”

Valentine’s slow grin set her heart racing. He caught her gown and slowly revealed one leg up to her garter. His touch was gentle on the ribbon and her heart began to clatter against her ribs violently. “A very tempting morsel indeed.”

He kissed her again, firmly, his hands eager on her thigh and elsewhere. When his touch wandered toward her breast, she gripped his wrist to stop him. Her resistance seemed to inflame Valentine, for he kissed her with such abandon that she was having trouble remembering why she should not be allowing it.

The front door closed loudly and Julia froze. They both turned at the sound and when Julia glanced past Valentine’s head, she saw Teresa Long standing at the doorway.

Julia tugged her skirts back over her knees, blushing furiously.