She came forward. “Lady Willow, Lady Maisy, Lady Poppy. Welcome back, sweethearts.”

Willow was the first to embrace her aunt, but he could see she wasn’t as full of her usual enthusiasm for Mercy. His sister frowned when she stepped back quickly. “Come into the drawing room where it’s warm.”

Constantine followed her and took a seat where Mercy indicated.

“You are somewhat late, Grayling.”

Willow perched beside him, and he said, “I am.” There was no point beating around the bush.

“You have not written to explain your absence.”

Maisy disappeared beneath a side table, and he replied, “No, I didn’t.”

“Do you have anything to say at all for missing my wedding?”

Poppy turned in his arms and hugged him, exhaling a little whimper of sound.

“I had other things on my mind than celebrating a poorly thought-out match.”

Mercy glanced at his daughters, a smile ghosting over her lips. “I’m sure you’d prefer them escorted upstairs to the nursery for their governess to manage. Edwin will be so excited to see them.”

Willow crowded his side. Constantine put his arm around her. “Unfortunately, their governess fell ill on the journey and remained behind at the inn we stayed in last night. We have had an up-an

d-down day so far. I’d rather not abandon them to the nursery yet.”

“A new governess?”

Constantine smiled. “Miss Clark has exceeded my every expectation.”

“Ill, you say. What is wrong with her? Do you know?”

“She must have taken a chill on the journey and sickened overnight. I would have delayed for her sake, but she was adamant the children should be taken away to safeguard their health.”

“A practical woman.”

A knock sounded on the door.

“A conundrum, in truth.”

“Come in,” Mercy called.

The door opened and a solidly built man stepped into the drawing room. The new husband. Dark hair, brown eyes, and mode of dress befitting his reported personal wealth. His expression was guarded but serious as he crossed the room. But when he smiled at Mercy, he revealed a pair of deep dimples. “Forgive the interruption, Your Grace, but I heard you had an important guest.”

Mercy made a face. “At last. Leopold, I have the honor of presenting my rather tardy brother. Grayling, may I introduce you to my husband, Leopold Randall.”

Weighed down as he was by Poppy, Constantine had trouble rising. He loosened his grip on his daughter to thrust out his hand. “Sir.”

Randall’s grip was firm and sure as they shook. “A pleasure, my lord.” He glanced at the children next. “What pretty daughters.”

He took a step back and seated himself in an armchair to one side. Constantine sat and rearranged Poppy more comfortably on his lap. He’d never known her to be so clingy, but perhaps the trip was more tiring than he imagined.

Maisy’s head appeared from beneath the table, her eyes fixed on the newcomer.

“So, you’re here at last,” Mercy said. “How long will you stay? Long enough for Blythe to see you, I hope, and to introduce her husband Tobias to you.”

“Actually, once I retrieve my ailing governess, I thought we might stay awhile.”

Mercy and Leopold exchanged a long glance and then Leopold smiled broadly. “You see, there was nothing to worry over.”