Meredith swallowed. She wasn’t prepared to lose him so soon. Not yet. She needed more time. “You’re going to take them in the middle of winter?”

Constantine looked out over the gathering, a regretful expression on his face. “While this is pleasant, I’ve put off visiting my family for some time and I’m regretting that today. It has been a long time since I’ve seen them, and I’d like to begin the new year with a visit. There have been many changes in their lives that I’ve missed by being wrapped up in my own affairs.”

The relief that coursed through her was immediate. She took a moment to get her thoughts in order. She didn’t want him to know how happy the news made her. “You were grieving.”

“So were they. But I intend to mend the breach, do the pretty, and accept responsibility for my mistakes. I want you there with me. The girls would not like to leave you behind. Please say you’ll come with us.”

Meredith glanced about to make sure they were not being watched. She was very sure they could not be overheard, so she did not have to moderate her voice. “I’m a servant, my lord. Of course I would travel with the children.”

“You are much more to us than that. I’d prefer you to come of your own free will. Perhaps I was not clear last night about my intentions.”

“Your intentions?”

He eased back in the chair, looking to everyone else a man completely at ease. Meredith knew better. “I don’t dabble with my servants.”

“So what does that make me?”

“A woman I want to know in every way imaginable. A woman I want to wake up beside no matter how long it takes her to accept that.” He glanced at her briefly, his smile warm, his expressive eyes lust filled. “You know me. You know my nature and temperament. I want you, but I don’t want to force you to anything. I admire you. From what I’ve learned from the tidbits you’ve let slip, you have survived whatever it was that befell you with remarkable courage. I would like to make you forget that if I can.”

Meredith stared across the room without really seeing it. “There is no escaping the past.”

“Forgive me if I disagree. I was once a married man. I loved my wife, but she is gone and I have put her memory where it belongs. Behind me.

Life is for the living and I want to live it boldly. With you.”

If Meredith hadn’t been sitting, she would have fallen. “Are you proposing to marry me? You cannot be serious.”

His glance grew sly. “I never said a word about marriage, but I could be tempted if the right woman, with an honest name, presented herself for consideration. Now, if you will excuse me, I must hand out gifts. Think on it, Meredith. There is nothing I wouldn’t face with a woman who placed her trust in me absolutely. And remember, pack your warmest gowns.”

“Wait.” Meredith grasped at the most immediate concern. “Where exactly are we going?”

“That I cannot tell you. It’s a secret.” His smile was serene. “I hope you like surprises.”


CONSTANTINE STRODE THROUGH the Hall and rushed up the stairs, impatient for them to be on their way. The New Year had come and gone and the weather had finally cleared enough to make travel possible. He’d woken alone again and was rather put out. He’d wanted to begin today with a kiss or maybe even a little more than that. The gleaming black traveling carriage was almost ready to spirit them away. All he needed was Meredith’s presence and his children’s cooperation to make the journey pleasant.

Meredith had not been quite so easily led away from the children these last few evenings as she had been at Christmas. Since the feast, her mood had swung from happiness to wary watchfulness. He’d had to work hard to convince her that his daughters would be fine if they woke to find her absent. He couldn’t go every night without having the woman in his arms.

He eased the door to the nursery open, catching Meredith and Poppy cuddling beside her cot. The sweet bond that had formed pleased him. He’d wanted Meredith to love her future stepdaughters as much as she would their children. “Happy New Year.”

Willow ran to him, bouncing on her toes. “Please, Papa. Where are we going?”

“Not yet, my sweet.” He kissed the top of her head. “You know I like to surprise you.”

She set her hands to her hips. “Can you not whisper?”

He leaned down close to her and grinned. “No, because Miss Clark has devilishly good hearing and I want her to be surprised, too.”

He’d told no one of his destination just to be sure it remained a mystery. The only one who might guess was his coachman. He alone knew how far the beasts pulling the carriage would have to travel.

“Oh,” Willow said and nodded. She looked past him to Meredith. “Papa’s surprises are the best, but he never likes to tell.”

Meredith snorted as if she did not believe a word of it.

Constantine saw Willow’s warmest coat laid out on the bed and helped her into it. “Where’s your scarf and gloves, sweetheart?”

Willow gestured under the bed. “Maisy keeps sneaking them. Tell her to stop, Papa. She’ll make them dirty.”