Constantine laughed and then clenched his jaw as it ached. “I think we can dispense with that if you are certain you want me.”

“Good. Because the last night we lay together, I snooped into your possessions and found the blasted thing. I burned it.”

“Well, that settles that.” She’d taken the decision of protecting Rosemary out of his hands. The strange thing was, he really didn’t mind that she’d taken the matter over. Even if he had the condom, he would debate its use as a preventative measure. Yet if she found it so uncomfortable, he wouldn’t inflict it on her. “Rosemary, could I ask a favor now?”

“I suppose you could.”

“If there is any other possession of mine that you do not like, could you at least talk to me about the matter before you allow your destructive tendencies free rein?”

Rosemary wrapped her arms about his waist. “You can keep Rothwell and Lady Farnsworth as friends.”

Constantine stilled. “About Arabella?”

“Still worrying?”

“Well, yes. Of course I am.” He swallowed. “Please tell me she is not going to throw herself at some reckless rogue who will abandon her after the first dance, so to speak.”

Rosemary began to laugh. “Oh no, she’s not going to be taken advantage of. That’s not her plan at all.”

“So there is a plan? Is she going to marry again? If so, I should make a point of warning her away from Rothwell. The man has a reputation and he was rather inquisitive about her on his last visit.”

Rosemary kissed his chest. “Don’t worry; they say reformed rogues make the best husbands.”

He tossed Rosemary onto her back and pinned her to the bed. “Does that apply to reformed Randalls?”

“I doubt it. We Randalls were born to break the rules. There’s not much that can tame us.” She smiled wickedly. “But I don’t mind if you keep trying.”


ROSEMARY HUNT, Countess Grayling to larger society, eased into a chair and accepted the bundle from the housekeeper with a contented sigh. She had been lady of the manor for close to seven months and at last she had everything she’d ever wanted. A devoted husband, children, and comfort. But most of all, she knew in her heart where she belonged and whom she belonged with.

Mrs. Smith peered out the window and scowled. “He’s finally returned, my lady?”

Rosemary smiled at the revenge she was about to inflict on her husband. Until now, she had not found a suitable opportunity to repay Constantine for their surprise trip to Romsey nine months ago. But a perfect solution had fallen into her lap today and she wasn’t about to squander the moment. Everything was ready. “And not a moment too soon. I thought I might have to resort to violence to keep my siblings at bay.”

“They love you, my lady.” Mrs. Smith’s eyes softened. “As do each of us at the Hall. I am sure I even glimpsed a tear in the corner of Cunningham’s eye at your news.”

Rosemary caught the housekeeper’s hand and squeezed. “I could never have found my place without your help. Can you please make sure my husband does not linger belowstairs overlong?”

“You have my word.” The housekeeper bobbed a curtsy and hurried for the door. Just as she reached for the handle, it opened and Constantine strode in. Windswept and out of breath. Rosemary would like nothing better than to rub her hands in glee, but they were rather

occupied at present.

“I’m sorry I was so long,” he said quickly as he flung his hat to the far corner of the room. “The tenants over by the mill were celebrating. Their daughter has just become engaged and they insisted I share in the celebrations.”

“Did you pass along my congratulations?”

“Of course. They sent along their best wishes for the coming birth.”

She stifled a laugh. “Did they? It was kind of them to remember me.”

“The estate talks of nothing else. I’ve had every woman I meet reassure me, but you know I will still worry about you.”

“There’s no need.” Rosemary smiled at the bundle in her arms. “Don’t worry about changing. There’s been a slight alteration in our plans for the evening. Why don’t you come tell me how clever I am?”

Constantine’s footsteps grew closer and then stopped a few feet away. “How did you…?”

Men were so predictable. She’d have to tell Mercy that Constantine was every bit as shocked as they both expected him to be. The sudden labor and fast delivery had thrown the house at sixes and sevens. “Oh, it all happened in the usual way. I won’t bore you with the details.”