Miss Cunningham had no sense to be around the young. She was as scatterbrained as any debutante before her first ball. Meredith wasn’t about to have her hard work foiled. The children needed a routine and she intended to establish one immediately. Luckily, she and the late Lady Grayling shared a trait for organization that the senior servants approved of. Without that similarity to back up her intentions, Meredith would have undoubtedly had more trouble setting her plans in motion.

She set the tray on a side table and placed her hand on Nurse’s good arm. When the older woman slowly woke from her doze, Meredith asked, “Tea?”

“That would be lovely. I shouldn’t sleep the day away but it’s ever so calm in here.” Nurse glanced across the room to where the children still rested. “Never known them all to go down so easily since Lady Poppy came along. You have a gift.”

“Children are easy to manage.” Just like men, Meredith thought with amusement as she set the cup and saucer down beside the nurse, within easy reach of her good hand. “They only want every moment of your attention until they don’t need it anymore.”

Nurse reached for her cup and sipped the hot beverage. “They’ve had lots of servants fussing over them. You somehow do a better job of it than anyone since their mother died.”

Meredith knew high praise when she heard it. She dipped a quick curtsy, balancing her teacup between her fingers, and then took a place opposite the old woman. “They are lovely girls. They would make anyone proud.”

The older woman snorted. “I suppose you’ve got more questions. What else do you want to know?”

“Everything, but not so much for me as for them. They enjoyed your stories last night very much. Do you feel up to sharing more of their mother’s antics tonight?”

The nurse’s eyes narrowed. “Shouldn’t you begin their studies soon? Your predecessors liked them to walk in circles with a book balanced on their heads.”

“What a ridiculous thing to do with a child so young. There is plenty of time for lessons in deportment yet.” She shook her head. No wonder the girls had been so unhappy when she’d arrived. A five-year-old had no need to be proper so young. A little laxity in the social graces would be excused and taught by example later. “I think having Lady Willow speak to me and laugh along with her sisters is the first step on the long road ahead. Needlework, languages, and the perfect curtsy can wait. I’ve heard the lass speak so infrequently. She’s much too quiet.”

The nurse’s expression grew dark. “She saw too much. Heard too much of her mother’s last day. God forgive me for not protecting her better, but everything was in chaos. Grayling was inconsolable and we had a wee motherless babe in arms to find a wet nurse for.”

God had other business than the needs of women. The only person she could rely upon was herself. She patted the older woman’s lax hand gently, noting the chill of her skin and the lack of reaction. “Then let’s fill Willow’s mind with better memories, enough to make her smile and play again. It is my hope the other servants will help her along the path to happiness.”

Nurse’s face grew serious as she considered. “I’ll speak to Cook and the housekeeper. They knew our lady the longest of everyone. Mrs. Smith met with Lady Grayling daily. She should have many stories to relate. They’ll support your plan and will stand up to Cunningham if needed. He thinks we shouldn’t mention our lady near the girls. He’s afraid of upsetting them.”

Meredith shook her said. “But that’s why they are so miserable. Having your mother wrenched from your life leaves a yearning that cannot ever be filled completely. As they age, they forget so much. It’s up to us to prevent that.”

“You’ve very strong opinions for a governess.” Nurse’s eyes narrowed. “Where did you say His Lordship found you?”

Although Nurse was a rather inquisitive creature, Meredith gave the same answer she gave to everyone who’d asked so far. “Lady Farnsworth recommended me for the post.”

“And where the countess found you don’t bear mentioning?” Ridgeway snorted when Meredith remained silent. “The less said the better, I suspect. Well, if you’ll excuse me, I best head below.”

When Ridgeway stood, the older woman tottered a bit and then slowly left the room. Meredith noticed she dragged her right foot immediately and was reminded that she’d seen this sort of ailment before in a place she’d never mention being and be

aring a name that wouldn’t ever be repeated. Another part of her past she’d locked away and hidden. There was no cure for Ridgeway. She would always suffer the weakness in her limbs.

“Thank you,” she called softly, both for Ridgeway’s support and for dropping her inquisition into Meredith’s past. However, nurse was too focused on getting her limb to cooperate to notice she’d been spoken to. Poor woman. A house of this size must present such difficulties in getting around in her condition. It was perhaps good that she only went belowstairs but once a day. She wouldn’t return for an hour yet.

When Meredith could no longer hear nurse’s heavy tread in the hall, she stood to check on the children. All three were sound asleep, limbs sprawled on the bedding in the way that only young children could consider comfortable. They were sweet little things. Adorable together and close. When one stubbed her toe, the others came to soothe her.

A wave of longing swept over her. If she ever had a family of her own, she hoped her children would always be there for each other. She hoped they would never drift apart and always be supportive of each other’s lives rather than cause each other pain. She clenched her fists. There was nothing worse than knowing your family had betrayed you.

When she turned away from her contemplation of the sleeping angels and faced the door, she startled. Grayling stood there, still dressed for riding and looking every inch the lord she’d first met. She took in his windblown hair and high color to his cheeks and concluded the ride had driven his doubts from his mind.

She smiled and drew closer to greet him. “Do you need anything, my lord?” She glanced over her shoulder and peered into the adjoining room. “The children may not wake for some time if you were after them.”

Grayling said nothing, but his fingers rose to touch her short-cropped hair. The decision to clip it had not been taken lightly, but it was infinitely more practical than keeping it long. She no longer needed to fuss with it for hours on end before facing each new day. A servant had little leisure for personal grooming.

“Then I should leave them in your capable hands.” His fingers brushed forward to caress her jaw.

Meredith clenched it, fighting the impulse to turn her face into his palm for the warmth she craved. Grayling had promised to stay away, but soft touches were fire to her senses. Even though he’d been out of doors, heat blazed from his fingertips. She shivered as a sudden chill raced over her skin, and she drew her shawl closer about her shoulders.

He stepped even closer so that the heat of him was mere inches away. He smelled of horses, leather, and gorgeous, vibrant man. If she were to lean forward a touch she could be cuddled against that warmth. She’d envied his daughters today. They could climb on his lap, tangle their arms about his neck, and keep him for themselves. But by becoming the governess, Meredith had put such indulgent luxuries aside.

She met his gaze and saw his green eyes had brightened with merriment. Damn him. He knew she enjoyed his warmth. He began to smile but then with one stroke of his fingers over her skin he broke away, leaving her yearning for what she couldn’t have.

Puzzled by his antics, Meredith stepped out into the hallway and was rewarded with the view of his large body striding up the hall purposefully. He really was remarkably well built, and since she’d explored what was under his clothing in detail she knew exactly what she missed.