He glanced at Calista. He had to talk to her about their last morning together and he would rather do so alone. “Arabella, would you be so kind as to…”

“Fetch the children? Yes, I really do think a meeting today would be a perfectly acceptable beginning. Excuse me.”

When Arabella swept out, Constantine surged around the table and caught Calista’s hands in his. They were so cold he immediately began to chafe them with his own to warm her up. “I never thought to see you here.”

The mask of indifference fell from her eyes, and she wrenched her hands from his and set them on her hips. “You have terrible friends.”

“Excuse me?”

Calista waved toward the door. “That woman convinced me that she had a place for me, then today informed me she no longer did, and all the while hinting that you were sickening slowly. Despicable woman. She’s a far better liar than I am.”

So her spirit had not been crushed by recent events. She was still as feisty as ever. “Do not be angry with Arabella. She has a difficult time of it. Her brother-in-law treats her as a marionette since he gained her late husband’s title. She has no love for his brat of a daughter, either. But Arabella is completely dependent on him, so when he says come to London, she must.”

An indelicate snort left Calista and the sound made him smile. She was here. He had another chance to keep her safe, comfortable, and warm. He wrapped her small hands in his. “So, tell me truthfully. Is Calista or Meredith Clark your real name? When will you tell me your secrets?”

“It is Meredith Clark for now. Next week, I could change my mind and be someone else entirely.” Her brow rose haughtily. “But my secrets are mine to keep. Coming here was a mistake. Goodbye, Grayling.”

When she spun on her heel, headed toward the door, Constantine quickly blocked her path. “Wait. Please. I only need to know what you want to tell me. Please don’t go yet. I have worried for you.”

“There was no cause for alarm. I’m quite capable of taking care of myself.” She glanced toward the door. “What on earth possessed you to mention my existence and our association to a countess? Have you lost your mind?”

Bravely, Constantine took her hand in his and kissed it. “I told her nothing, but she doesn’t miss a trick. She saw an improvement in my temper and divined the reason for it on her own. It was never my intention for you to meet, but I am not sorry that you have, for you are here now.”

He guided Calista, Meredith, away from the door. “How did you come to be acquainted? I cannot imagine she would come to the bawdy house where you lived.”

Calista’s brow rose. “And that, my lord, is where your reasoning is in error.”

Constantine gaped. He dropped into a nearby chair, taking Calista with him so she sat at his side. “She didn’t.”

“She did. Though I must admit I am grateful. The lady has impeccable timing. I was on the point of resuming my duties.”

Constantine brushed his fingers along the length of her sleeve. A question burned his tongue. Had she lain with another? Had she enjoyed another man as much as she appeared to enjoy what they had done together? He wanted to ask, but he didn’t know how to phrase the question without sounding as jealous as he was. Calista did not like expectations. She didn’t want his affection.

Calista heaved a heavy sigh. “I’ve slept with none but you. My courses arrived and prevented my return to entertaining any other guests in the interim.”

Constantine closed his eyes. That last night together had preyed on his mind. Once he’d almost been too late and had come close to spending inside her. At least now he knew she didn’t carry his child.

Calista relaxed eventually while Constantine rubbed his fingers over her palm. “However it came to be, I’m glad you’re here.”

“I’m not. I swore I would never do this.”

“Do what?”

“Depend on a gentleman for my welfare. I’ve always preferred my independence, but I’ve nowhere else to go given the speed of Lady Farnsworth’s departure.”

“Were you not beholden to the bawd for your living?”

“The House was not the first brothel I’ve lived in, nor should I think it the last.”

The idea of her walking from his door and into another similar situation appalled him. “Stay with me instead,” he blurted quickly.

She shook her head. “I cannot promise that.”

“For as long as you can bear it then. Stay and be governess to my daughters. But if you wanted it, you could have my protection for the rest of your life.”

She rubbed her brow. “You’re just keen to have your wicked way with me again.”

Why deny it? He’d give his fortune to keep the little minx in his bed. But he’d made a promise and, difficult or not, when she entered his service he intended to keep it. “While the idea definitely appeals, I gave you my word. Sharing my bed would never be part of our new arrangement. As much as I would enjoy it, and I hope you would too, I’d much rather keep you safe and warm.”