Meredith sighed. Deep down, she knew what the madam hoped she’d do: either speak to Grayling about a permanent arrangement, one that would see a handsome fee fill the House’s coffers, or service them both, either honestly or dishonestly, if necessary. Either way, Meredith didn’t enjoy the situation. She had grown comfortable meeting the demands of one man over several. But that was not the normal life under the bawd’s rule.

She met Linnie’s intent gaze. “I’ll speak with Grayling tonight and do my best to convince him that he should share.”


The notes on Linnie’s desk disappeared into the top drawer and she tipped her head toward the door, signaling that their conversation was over. Meredith left the room quickly, but anxiety filled her. She didn’t anticipate her conversation with Grayling would go well. She needed to be ready with her arguments. She stepped into the room she’d been assigned, the red velvet bedchamber with the southern view overlooking the gardens, and surveyed the space. It might be the best that the house had to offer, but it lacked the little touches that made seductions all the more pleasurable.

She dug into the drawers and cupboards and extracted sweet-smelling herbs, perfumed oil to rub into her skin, and oddments to make the room look as if she really did sleep here at night. By day, Meredith shared a cramped room in the attic with another girl, the windows of which never ceased letting in blasts of cold air. Sleeping beside Grayling night after night was a little-known luxury in her existence. Very much like sleeping beside an agile furnace, too. She was always surprised to wake with his body wrapped around hers.

Meredith arranged a thick quilt over a chair by the fire, then made sure the brandy decanter was filled and the glasses were free of imperfections. Grayling was fond of touching the items she’s strewn about the room; she guessed he assumed they belonged to her. He’d even combed her hair once, which she’d possibly enjoyed more than he had. The moment had been a soothing lull after sharing his bed. He’d even kissed her cheek as he’d left that morning.

With everything rendered rather homey, Meredith slipped out of her serviceable day gown, corset, chemise and stockings, and reached for the bottle of oil. She wasn’t needed in the drawing room when Grayling came to call. She could greet him stark-naked and be perfectly sure he’d be happy about it.

She poured a generous portion of oil into the palm of her hand and applied it liberally to her arms and legs. The earthy scent of herbs filled her nose as she continued to smooth any dryness from her skin. The liquid warmed swiftly and she rubbed her belly and twisted to smooth the oil over her bottom and lower back. She was so wrapped up in imagining Grayling completing the task that she didn’t notice the door opening until it was too late.

Squires leered at her nakedness. “Would you care for assistance with the rest, pet?”

Meredith turned slowly and reached for her robe. “Lord Squires. I didn’t hear you knock.”

“That’s because I didn’t. If I had, I wouldn’t have the pleasure of seeing you so unguarded. I’ve never seen you so lovely. What were you thinking of to smile like that? Me?”

Grayling. Her every spare moment was filled with thoughts of the wicked earl. “Of course, my lord,” Meredith said smoothly as she slipped into the thin garment. She wasn’t particularly concerned with nakedness, but she didn’t want to encourage Lord Squires when she was promised elsewhere. “It’s good to see you again, my lord.”

As she finished belting her robe tightly about her waist, Squires came closer and caught her hand. “Is it? I’ve missed spending time with you.”

His grip tightened till it was almost painful. She did her best not to struggle, but it wouldn’t take much more for her to do something that would have her expelled from the House. “And I’ve missed you, too. However, I must speak to Madam quickly. Would you excuse me?”

When she tried to leave, his grip on her hand remained firm. “Not so fast. There is something you need to understand.”

Meredith sighed wearily. Where was Linnie or an idle footman when she needed their intervention? “I’m afraid I am otherwise engaged this evening. Surely Linnie informed you I’m promised to Lord Grayling.”

His eyes narrowed and his grip tightened painfully until Meredith feared she’d cry out. The last time she’d spoken with Lord Squires, she’d heard the possessive tone in his voice and shrugged it off. Now, however, all those little warning signs were back and insistently telling her that Squires was a jealous man. She counted to ten slowly to keep her temper in check, but the man was in danger of having his hand broken.

“You’ll be mine and no one else’s. I’ll see the bawd and settle terms so we can be on our way.”

His arrogance astounded her. She wasn’t a pet to buy. She had a say in whom she bedded and it wouldn’t be Squires ever again. “On the contrary, my lord. I belong to no man.”

She shook off his grip as the door opened. Grayling stepped inside, another parcel clutched in his hand but a furious expression on his face for a change. “I beg to differ. She’s mine tonight and every night.”

In the face of Grayling’s presence, the smaller built Squires didn’t appear so threatening. Yet he puffed up his chest importantly and put on a good show. “Miss Bower and I have a long-standing arrangement.”

“Miss Bower?” Grayling’s brow rose at the fraudulent last name Squires used. Grayling hooked his hand around the man’s arm and dragged him to the door. “If she was so important, you should have made her your mistress long before this. As it is, you are too late. Now get out, and don’t ever touch her or speak to her again.”

Squires’s arms and legs flew as he was tossed out on his ear into the hall. The door slammed shut and Grayling locked it for good measure. When he turned, he appeared anything but pleased.

Meredith went to him and stroked his arms. “Thank you, my lord. Your timing is as impeccable as ever. I was attempting to show him out.”

Grayling folded his arms over his chest, forcing her to keep a distance. “Not very well.”

Meredith snuggled closer, determined to ease him from his bad mood and give him the night he had paid for. “As well as any woman can. We cannot throw grown men out as you would. We must use the means we have available.”

His smooth brow creased with deep frown lines. “You mean you’ve nothing to defend yourself with but the flutter of your lashes?”

Grayling would not be so concerned if he knew just how capable she was. Keeping him in the dark about her other skills was a simple matter. He wouldn’t want to know. Just for the effect, Meredith fluttered her lashes, looking up at him with an utterly vacuous expression on her face.

A rueful smile crossed Grayling’s lips and he unfolded his arms slowly. “You’ll be the ruin of me.”