“That is my intention for this morning.”

Her brow rose and a mocking smile twisted her lips. “Grayling, it’s three in the afternoon. Where exactly have you been? When I arrived, Old Cunningham wouldn’t even look at me to say he couldn’t tell me of your expected return.”

An uncomfortable flush swept over his skin. His nights of pleasure had extended far into the mornings after. To his considerable surprise, he had not been able to stop touching the fetching Calista as the sun rose. He had enjoyed another morning romp, feeding Calista breakfast from his own fingers before making love one more time. The fact that he’d lost his inhibitions so easily was a relief. Making love to Calista up to five times a night and snatching sleep between had been quite the surprise. As a consequence, his poor overused prick was rather uncomfortable now, nestled as it was in his snug, fitted trousers.

The condom wasn’t the best idea he’d ever had, yet he’d never experienced more enjoyable nights. He planned for them to continue and had paid plenty to ensure Calista was his alone.

Arabella swung her feet to the tile floor and peered at him. “You’ve met someone?”

He braved the likely rebuke and nodded. Constantine didn’t want to keep secrets from his friend. She’d done so much to help him over the preceding two years that he didn’t believe he’d like her to hear about his visit to a bawdy house from spiteful gossips.

Instead of a shocked, disapproving silence, Arabella clapped her hands together and grinned wickedly. “Do tell, who is she and when can I meet her?”

Constantine gaped. He’d expected outrage. Given he’d caught Arabella discouraging other unattached and available female guests at the last hunt from pursuing him, he was rather baffled. Had she simply meant to keep him from choosing from one of their number? He’d thought her interference was because she was against the idea of him finding Augusta’s replacement. “You’re not angry with me?”

She laughed heartily, a throaty sound that made him at once at ease and on edge. “Why should I be? You’re a handsome man. Any woman would be proud to be yours.”

He frowned. “Any woman?”

“Well, any woman besides myself and the ladies of your prior acquaintance.” She shrugged. “We’d never make you happy.”

“Ah,” he said. But in all honesty he didn’t understand why she thought as she did. Arabella was born the daughter of an earl, young and widowed, with startling good looks and abundant exuberance for life and society. He simply couldn’t fathom why she hadn’t looked for another husband. She’d had ample opportunities and interest.

Even he’d considered Arabella as a candidate for a lover briefly or even a second wife. She was fond of his children, and he found her intelligence attractive. However, after the first night with Calista, he wasn’t finding the idea of pursuing Arabella or anyone else in the least interesting or pressing anymore. One day he’d consider the matter again. But not yet.

“So, the details if you please. I’m not leaving till I have her name.”

“That could pose a difficulty.” He laughed. “I don’t believe a meeting would be very wise.”

Arabella’s eyes narrowed. “Is she one of my enemies?”

“Since when do you have enemies?”

Arabella shrugged and peered at him. “Don’t be so easily distracted.”

“I doubt she has even heard your name before.” When Arabella appeared crushed, he rushed on. “She’s not a lady, Bella. The furthest thing from one, in fact.”

Instead of looking scandalized, Arabella appeared intrigued. “If she can turn your head around in such a short space of time, then I absolutely must meet her. I’m certain we’ll become the best of friends. I can pass along all your secrets to give her the upper hand in your relationship.”

Constantine rubbed a hand through his hair, wondering what Arabella could possibly know about him that could be considered a secret. Likely she was just teasing. “As enticing as that might seem to you, I don’t believe you’d care for the connection.”

“Very well,” Arabella said, but her eyes hinted at mischief. “If you believe that to be the case, then I shall bow to your opinion for now. However, I should like to ask how it is if she is so beneath me that she caught the Earl of Grayling’s eye?”

Constantine pursed his lips. “She’s rather dishonest.”

“And yet you smile so broadly this afternoon when you speak of her.”

Constantine did his best to appear stern, but then he didn’t think he pulled it off very successfully. There was certainly something about Calista that appealed to him. However, it was not her false name. When he went back to the House he would get the truth from her lips. He settled for a half-truth in answer to sum up his evening. “It’s been a rather unusual week.”

Arabella grinned widely and then looked around. “A sherry, Grayling. I need a drink to ward off my approaching disappointment that you will not share the particulars of your scandalous affair with your closest friend.”

An affair? Was a tryst at a bawdy house labeled an affair if it took place only over several glorious hours a few nights in one week? As he led Arabella to his study to fetch the requested drink, he realized he intended to go back to the bawdy house on the hill many times. He intended to see Calista again and acquire her real name and connections. That certainly qualified as more than a passing interest.

Arabella touched his arm lightly. “You know, if Augusta could see that smile on your face, she would wholeheartedly approve of your choice.”

Constantine almost lost the glass he held. He renewed his grip before passing it over. “I doubt that very much.”

He quickly swallowed his sherry and refilled the glass.