It was impossible to shrug in this position, so she settled for wrapping her arms around his waist, beneath his coat, soaking in his remarkable body heat. “I’ve always been susceptible to chill.”

He fingered her thin gown. “This isn’t sufficient. Come, I have gifts for you.”


“Wherever the footman took the parcels. I imagine a single question will be sufficient to locate them.” He stood. “Although, seeing you like this has given me other ideas for the afternoon.”

With a decidedly wicked grin, Meredith smoothed the wrinkles from her gown. “I hadn’t expected you so early.”

He shrugged. “My daughters have gone to stay with the friend I mentioned for a few days and I had nothing else pressing to do for the estate. I thought to spend the night with you again, if you are agreeable.”

A small bubble of happiness crowded her lungs, making speech impossible for a time. Eventually she convinced herself she was overreacting to the news and hurried into the hall. A footman loitered nearby. “William?”

“His Lordship’s gifts were taken upstairs. Mrs. Cohen felt the room you used last night would suit today as well.”

A deep, rumbling laugh echoed behind her as she made her way upstairs. Each step toward that large bed brought fresh doubts about further association with Grayling. She might just be in danger of truly liking him.

At the door, she glanced over her shoulder. Gray’s attention was fixed on her rear. As she crossed the threshold, she made sure to sway her hips in an exaggerated fashion. He laughed again and slammed the door shut behind them before hurrying to toss more fuel on the fire to drive the chill from room.

The bed was covered in brown-wrapped parcels. One even had a pretty pink bow. Puzzled, she pulled on the ribbon to open it. A white fur wrap spilled out and she gasped at the extravagant gift. She’d expected another sheer dress to replace the one he’d destroyed, not a garment suitable for the outdoors. She peeked at him as he settled on the far side of the bed. His gifts were rather lavish given they’d only met twenty hours ago. Unable to resist, she pulled the fur against her cheek, feeling the rich warmth drive the chill from her skin. “However did you manage this?”

“I had a word to the abbess before I left this morning. She was kind enough to give me directions to your modiste. I confess, I may have gotten carried away, but at least I will have the satisfaction of knowing you should be warm in my absence.”

“Are you going somewhere?”

“Not yet.”

Meredith glanced at the other parcels and, feeling as if the best Christmas ever had come early, quickly unwrapped them all. Grayling had replaced her torn gown with a blue velvet carriage dress complete with stiff, high ruff, provided a matching deep muff to the wrap, and a completely practical pair of half boots. “I appreciate the gifts, but why should you do such a thing?”

He glanced away to the fire. “Do you not like them?”

“I love them, but it’s not fair to accept so much on such short acquaintance.”

He rose and moved to stand behind her. “Yes, you can, because I intend to get to know you very well indeed.”

He undid the first button on her day gown and continued until she was standing in only a shift and corset, shivering. Yet instead of the ravishment she expected, he dropped the new gown over her head. The heavy velvet warmed her instantly. The higher neckline caressed her upper back and drove away her chills. The gown wouldn’t be suitable to greet visitors to the House, but it was such a lovely shade of blue that she wanted to wear it every day.

She spun in a slow circle to show him how she looked. “Thank you.”

“Thank your modiste. Woman was only too pleased to help. She said you were her favorite.”

Meredith smiled, but wariness filled her. She hoped the woman had not mentioned that when they’d first met, Meredith had gone by another name. Grayling didn’t need to know more than one. Better to turn the subject from herself and back to him. “You mentioned you have children.”

“Yes, three daughters.”

She glanced at him, curious about their ages. They must be very young, or Grayling held his age extremely well. Did she need to know of his life away from the House? Uncertainty filled her. If he had children, then he had a wife somewhere. Meredith didn’t need to know more than that.

His brow rose. “You have questions?”

“No. I just wanted to thank you again for the gifts. You are a very generous man.”

He seemed about to say something but then shrugged his broad shoulders before stretching out on the bare portion of the bed. Meredith quickly moved her new possessions to a chair, shook out her old gown, and laid it on top. When everything was tidy again, she came to stand beside the bed.

Grayling had closed his eyes, feigning sleep. He looked sweet, not like the devil lover of last night. Meredith carefully climbed onto the bed and straddled his thighs. He cracked open an eye. The green sparkled with mirth. “Do you know one of the things that impresses me most about you? Your ability to read my mind. I was jus

t thinking it would be nice to have your tidy little body draped across mine, and here you are. Tempting me to ruin another gown.”

Meredith pressed her hand over the bodice. “Please don’t.”