He glanced at Blythe and, caught the quick grin spreading over her face. That apology would go a long way to making her feel wanted.

“Tobias, I am sure you can be more gracious than that,” she said with a straight face.

He thought about it for a moment and then grinned. “I shall be guided by you, my lady.”

She laughed and took her nephew from Mercy. “I’ll take him up to bed and stay with him until you arrive. Come along Edwin. Let us see if we can find that pirate tale you like so much.”

They hurried up the grand staircase without looking back and Tobias wished he could join them. But he wanted to see Oliver settled for the night and ensure they were all safe.

Leopold rubbed his head. “We’d bette

r check they are not stealing everything that isn’t nailed down.”

Tobias rubbed his hands together. “Shall we chase them out?”

Oliver grinned. “Give them ten minutes before you start. Every last one is a coward. Odds are most ran straight outside as if the devil himself chased them.”

“We have some time then,” Leopold said, directing them into the library. “I have many questions.”

Oliver sat with a sigh and looked around at the crammed bookshelves. “I used to dream about this library,” he whispered.

Tobias chuckled. He hadn’t taken much notice of the chamber Oliver had been in at Skepington, but it had seemed a bit bare of necessities. For Oliver, books would be considered a necessity. They might have a hard time removing him from this room later.

Tobias poured them all drinks and settled into a chair, his heart full of love for his brothers. He raised his glass. “To family.”

“To new adventures,” Oliver said. He smiled and sipped his drink. “Do you realize this is likely smuggled goods?”

“About that,” Leopold began. “How did we become involved?”

“My fault.” Oliver smiled sadly. “By my calculations, the duke was too rich for his lands. When I showed an interest in architecture, Father provided me with what I needed and the plans for Romsey Abbey. He, too, was curious about the estate and our family history. But the plans for Romsey Abbey did not match the building I walked through. My mistake was revealing that fact to our father and discussing my theories of a large space concealed beneath. He must have been a little too obvious about his questions and we all paid the price.”

“What did the Duke of Romsey do to you?”

Oliver closed his eyes. “He sent a physician to our school, provided them with proof that he was my guardian, and then claimed I was insane. Being a duke, I’m certain they were afraid to disagree with him. He delivered me to Bedlam, despite my protests that I would never tell. A year later, when he’d softened a touch, I was moved to Skepington. My contact with the outside world was cut off after that.”

Leopold nodded. “The duke had our parents murdered the week you were taken from school. Tobias and Rosemary were with them, but were taken away as hostages. I alone was free, but kept on a tight leash. He promised you were all safe to make me compliant.”

“He told me much the same.” Oliver opened his eyes. “Rose?”

Leopold shook his head. “We don’t know where she is.”

A long silence ensued, broken by the rasp of Oliver’s breath. “She would not have been taken without a fight. She didn’t want the future that was in store for her.”

Tobias swallowed the rest of his drink quickly, remembering his sister’s last moments. “She fought all right. I just don’t know if she could have gotten away. He was a big man. We should have questioned Wilcox before we let him go.”

“Not sure if we could have believed him,” Leopold warned. “He fooled us all before. I’m not willing to be tricked again. Oliver, what else do you remember?”

“The duke came to see me one last time after I moved to Skepington. When he spoke Rosemary’s name, there was an edge to it, as if he were angry. Maybe she did get away. She never wanted to marry our cousin.”

Tobias shuddered. “I have a hard time imagining Mercy married to him.”

Leopold smiled tightly. “Enough of that. Let us focus on Rosemary for now.”

“His Grace wanted to prepare her to become the next duchess of Romsey.” Oliver pinched the bridge of his nose. “I believe he planned to restore whatever defects he saw in the bloodline, his son’s poor health, but Mama objected. With our parents dead, the duke became Rose’s legal guardian and he could have forced the match.”

“But since our cousin married Mercy, we can assume Rosemary escaped the duke’s control somehow.” Leopold stood. “We’ll find her. I’ll run advertisements in ever paper if I have to. She needs to hear that we are looking for her and that it is safe to come home.”

Tobias pressed his hand to his head, remembering that terrible day in vivid detail. “Why slaughter our parents on the road instead of here?”