“Well, none of that matters now,” Blythe said matter-of-factly. “We’re taking you home.”

“Harrowdale,” Oliver said somewhat wistfully. “I’m surprised he left it standing.”

“I’m taking you to Leopold,” Tobias corrected. “He’s at Romsey Abbey and will want to see you and hear the explanation for our separation from your own


Oliver scowled at them. “The duke’s sanctuary is at Romsey. I’m not going anywhere near what started this mess.”

Blythe rose to her feet. “We know all about the sanctuary. We’ve been inside, but cannot see the sense of the room. Help him up, Tobias, and put him on the bed.”

Still unable to believe he had found his brother after all, Tobias tucked Oliver into bed and pulled the cover high up his chest.

“Rooms,” Oliver corrected. “It’s a maze down there.”

“Down?” Both he and Blythe said at once.

“Yes, the Sanctuary lies beneath Romsey Abbey.”

He exchanged a long look with Blythe. She gripped the bedpost, a frown marring her features. “What of the room off the drawing room, behind the carved rose?”

Oliver shrugged. “It’s just a storeroom. The real wealth of Romsey was beneath your feet.”

The duke must have been laughing very hard at them from his corner of hell. Their whole investigation of the room had been a waste of time, as Blythe had feared. He met her gaze. Well, perhaps not a complete waste of time. He’d always have fond memories of that storeroom as the place he’d first kissed Blythe.

She glanced away, a blush flooding her cheeks with color. “And what wealth would be hidden beneath the Romsey Abbey now? Do you know?”

“More riches than ever the dukes of Romsey could have obtained without breaking the law quite a few times. His Grace was a smuggler and also a thief. He was extremely good at getting what he wanted.”

Blythe caught Tobias’ hand and squeezed it tightly. “That’s why someone is trying to drive Mercy from the estate. They want to find the entrance and gain the riches they believe are still there. Someone knows.”

“Wilcox,” Tobias growled. “And we’ve left Mercy and Leopold at Romsey.”

Blythe gripped him tightly. “Wilcox already knew about the sanctuary. He saw me leave the room a few days ago. It’s only a matter of time before he finds a way down.”

Oliver chuckled softly. “The book room doesn’t give one access to the sanctuary. It’s just a store room for the duke’s harmless treasures. The entrance to the sanctuary is concealed in another place.”

“And you know where it is?”

Oliver nodded. “Yes, unfortunately I do.”

“Excuse us for a moment, Oliver.” Tobias caught Blythe’s hand.

“Take your time. I’m not going anywhere.” Oliver closed his eyes and heaved a heavy sigh.

Tobias pulled Blythe toward the window. “If we leave now, we could reach Romsey just after nightfall. Do you think Oliver is well enough to travel?”

“He’s weak, but perhaps he might sleep the entire way.” She squeezed his hands. “I want to get back to Mercy and Edwin, too.”

“So do I. Stay with Oliver.” He brushed his knuckles along her jaw. “I’ll see what I can do about procuring a larger carriage.”

“Are you sure you can manage?”

“Yes, because you’ll be there to distract me with your beauty.” He kissed the back of her hand and strode for the door, casting a quick look over his shoulder at his sleeping brother. He still couldn’t believe that Oliver was found. But the trick would be to keep him alive to tell his tale. To keep them all safe.

~ * ~

As Tobias rush downstairs in search of the innkeeper, Blythe’s heart was lighter than she’d expected it to be. She closed the door behind him and turned around to face Oliver.