Blythe inclined her head and they ate in companionable silence. However, at the end of the meal, she covered her mouth to hide her yawn. “I don’t believe I’ve ever felt so tired in my life.”

He drained the last of his ale and set the mug on the table carefully. “You should go up and get into bed.”

She glanced at the door and then eyed him warily. “What will you be doing?”

Tobias quite liked this unexpected side of Blythe’s character. He’d never have pegged her as the possessive type, but she definitely didn’t want him out of her sight for long. “Oh, I’ll be coming along shortly. I thought you might prefer a moment or two of privacy. I can settle with the innkeeper tonight so we are not delayed in the morning.”

Her face creased with suspicion. “That’s very kind of you. I’ll leave the candles burning so you can find your way about the chamber.”

He laughed as he stood and then held his hand out to her. She rose from the chair, a question in her gaze. Tobias tugged her against his chest roughly. “Trust me, B. I’ll be along in a moment or two.”

/> Not that he’d be sleeping beside her exactly. If he were a proper gentleman, he’d sleep in a chair or on the floor. But his days of sleeping rough were over. He’d never be a proper gentleman. However, in an effort to appear so to Blythe, he planned to sleep on top of the sheet to keep away from her flawless skin. They’d both be comfortable and sleep decently apart. He didn’t possess a nightshirt and he didn’t want to offend her delicate sensibilities with his scarred and naked skin.

A soft smile tugged her lips and then she headed upstairs. He glanced down at the erection tenting his breeches. Damned inconvenient to lose control now. He’d done so well at hiding how she affected him these past days.

He stared at the mantle clock, counting the minutes, tying to judge how much time she might require. Five minutes. Ten? He waited out ten minutes by pacing the room and examining every object on display three times over. Then, after he’d paid the innkeeper, obtained directions to Lord Merrow’s residence and the nearby Skepington Hall, he slowly climbed the stairs and knocked on the door. He could do this. He could sleep beside Blythe and never consider wandering to her side of the mattress.

“Come in.”

He set his hand on the latch and stepped across the threshold. His pulse pounded in his ears. He didn’t know what was the matter with him. It wasn’t as if he’d never been in Blythe’s bedchamber before.

When he lifted his gaze, his heart stopped. Blythe sat on the bed, half under the covers, nightgown barely covering her beauty. She’d let down her hair too and his fingers itched to run through the strands. His side of the bed had been folded back. He dropped into a chair to hide the bulge reforming in his trousers, wincing at the discomfort as he removed his boots. When he thought himself under control, he met her gaze. “How early do you think we can meet with Lord Merrow? The innkeeper says Skepington is very close. We could go there first without bothering him.”

“We must speak to Lord Merrow first. Too early would be considered rude, but we want to leave enough time so we might return to Romsey close to nightfall.”

He set the second boot down. “I didn’t think this through properly when we left Romsey. Three people won’t fit on the seat of your chaise.”

She frowned. “I confess I didn’t think of that either. I only thought of your comfort in the smaller open carriage.”

He stood and took off his coat, carefully laying it out over the chair back so it wouldn’t crease further. He untied his cravat next, conscious that Blythe watched him undress without a murmur. “Perhaps we might hire a horse tomorrow. I’ll speak to the innkeeper about one if we return with news of Oliver.”

“Good.” Blythe slithered beneath the covers and Tobias sighed with relief. Maybe now he couldn’t see her body so well he wouldn’t want her so damn much. He finished undressing, keeping his shirt on to cover his scars, and then blew the candles. When it was sufficiently dark, save for the moonlight spilling through the window, he whipped his shirt off, parted the top sheet from the counterpane, and slid onto the bed beside Blythe. He pulled the counterpane up to his chest and tucked one hand behind his head.

But he could still make out her shape beside him in the moonlight. His cock ached to forget this gentlemanly business and be very, very wicked.

Blythe wriggled beside him. She nudged his leg and then huffed. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Attempting to sleep.”

“On top of the counterpane?”

“No. I’m on top of the top sheet. I’m quite content here.”

“Well.” She shook the bed as she rolled over and he heard her sigh. “That explains everything. Please do not wake me when you sneak out to meet your light skirt.”

Tobias gritted his teeth, and then started to laugh at the absurdity of her suggestion. “My dear, B, you are a treasure. I’m lying here, trying to be a proper gentleman, and you think it’s so I can sneak out the door during the night. Where is your mind? I don’t want what the maid offered. You should be happy I’m attempting to show some restraint by keeping a distance from you.”

She said nothing but pulled the covers closer to her chin and ignored him.

He placed his hand on her arm. “B? Are you angry with me for finally attempting to do the right thing?”

“Why would I be angry with you?”

He leaned closer, intending to press a kiss to her covered shoulder and touched bare skin instead. His cock thickened. “Do you not want me to stay on my side of the bed?”

“It doesn’t matter what I want. You’ve made up your mind.”

Although she resisted, he rolled her until she lay flat on her back. “Yes, I made up my mind to avoid ruining your good name any further. After pretending to be man and wife, though, I have my doubts whether that will still be possible.”