When the house came into a view, he gasped as a curl of smoke drifted across the rooftop. Tobias broke into a run. Harrowdale was on fire. His home would be denied him.

Panic lengthened his stride and he was in the courtyard in an instant. Thankfully, Harrowdale wasn’t on fire, however, smoke rose from more than one chimney. The kitchen chimney, too. He approached the servants door warily, lifted the latch and quietly let himself in.

The sound of laughter filled his ears. One voice, female, he particularly had reason to remember. He stepped into the doorway and set his hands on his hips. “Finch, what is the meaning of this?”

Blythe’s former housekeeper beamed. “Sir, it is so good to see you finally returned. We, ah, have a proposition for you.”

He glanced around the other bodies seated around the battered kitchen table, noting their full hands and crumb scattered plates. Five bodies were crammed into the space and he thought all of them were Blythe’s former servants. “Do you now? Do you know how much your disappearance has upset Lady Venables?”

“We couldn’t let her know directly, sir. When Lucas overhe

ard his lordships servants talking about the new family moving in we decided we’d pack up and go, too. This house was empty and you seemed the kind to appreciate hard work and loyalty.”

“How is it loyalty when you deserted your mistress? She’ll think I’ve stolen her servants from her.”

“We never deserted our lady. We’ll be here and have everything ready for her when she needs us.”

Tobias sagged against the doorframe. “So this is just a temporary stop on your way to your next home. Unfortunately, I fear you may be disappointed. Lord Archibald, her most determined suitor, has a well established household as do the others. I doubt she could take you all with her.”

“What is Lord Archibald to our mistress?”

“He asked her to marry him.”

The housekeeper stood suddenly. “How did she answer?”

“She said no, but it is just a matter of time before someone rich enough comes along and sweeps her off her feet.”

“Then you don’t know my mistress.” Finch flicked her hands at the other servants, sending them scattering. “You should go back now and make sure she doesn’t.”

“Of course she will say yes eventually.”

Finch laughed heartily. “She cannot be made to do anything she doesn’t want to.”

Tobias didn’t care for the housekeeper’s comment, even if it was accurate. “I am well aware Lady Venables stubborn temperament.”

“As are we.” Mrs. Finch beamed. “Nothing would have compelled her to place her trust in another man but a deep affection.”


The housekeeper smiled at him as if he were simple. “She brought young Adam’s things here. She trusts you. She cares for you.”

Tobias scowled. “You are imagining an affection that doesn’t exist. I annoy her.”

“Yes, I know. However, the fact that I know is significant. If my lady didn’t care for you, she certainly wouldn’t draw attention to that fact. She’d ignore you completely.”

“We are much thrown together at Romsey,” he said quickly. “She has little choice but to speak to me.”

Finch cleared away the dishes and plates. “My mistress has always had a choice. She attempts to protect her heart from every strong emotion, but cannot always manage it. It will take time to draw her out, but I’m sure you can win her.”

“Win her? Are you mad?”

“No, merely hopeful. I saw a different side of her the day she brought Adam’s things here. She was relaxed and even happy. I have not seen her smile so in years.”

Tobias eased into a chair and threw his hat onto the table. “Her grief for her husband is a loss she may never recover from.”

“You are correct that a woman does not recover from her first love easily. If you expect her to, then you will fail to win her heart. What you need to do is carve out a place beside her Raphael. Don’t strive to be him, be you?”

Tobias gaped. Clearly Finch had no idea how unsuitable he was. Blythe required so much more than he could provide. “I won’t be the one to win her.”