“Surely not all of them.”

“I cannot believe it! Mrs. Finch packed up and left without a word nor offered an apology for the timing. Apparently she’s taken a place in another household. The rest of the servants, cook, gardener and groom went with her, leaving Venables with only the servants he brought from London. Mrs. Finch said nothing of this yesterday.”

Tobias ran his hand up and down her back. “Looks like Venables will have to butter his own bread for a while.”

Blythe shook her head. “What will I do without her? I depend on Finch.”

Tobias wrapped her in his arms and squeezed. “It was a good thing you had her assistance yesterday with young Adam’s things. Perhaps that was her farewell gift to you.”

“I suppose.” She pushed out of his arms. “She’s been with me so long that I cannot imagine anyone else looking after my house.” She offered a sad smile. “Or me.”

“Well, then it is a very good thing that you have Beth now to take care of you.”

She nodded then suddenly shook her head. “I’ve sent a note to Venables, voicing my surprise. I don’t know what else to do to rectify the situation.”

Tobias could care less for Venables outrage. However, Blythe was another matter. “There is nothing you can do. It is his house and he is more than capable of acquiring replacement employees.”

She stared at him as if he’d sprouted a second head. “But what if he hires the wrong sort? It is not him who has to live with them when he returns to Town.”

Tobias eased onto the arm of a chair. “Why not live here with your sister instead of returning to Walden Hall? You’ve given me the impression that Venables is somewhat of a bore. Would it really be such a hardship to move away?”

If she lived here, it would be easy to continue his steady seduction. He’d have all the time in the world, up until he decided to take up residence at Harrowdale. He could put that off for some time if he had the right incentive. Having Blythe in his bed, or himself in hers, would be ample reason to remain at Romsey. But could she leave off her grave side vigils? That might be harder for her to do.

“Yes, it would. I have been mistress of my own house since I was sixteen years of age. It is very hard to do nothing with ones days and that would certainly happen should I remain here.”

He understood her problem very well. He didn’t like to be idle either, hence his decision to make Harrowdale his home and repair the last ten years of neglect the property had suffered. He would have ample projects to occupy the rest of his life. Blythe wouldn’t have that if she lived at Romsey. However, he was buoyed by the fact that Blythe made no mention of her long dead son or husband. Perhaps she wasn’t as tied to the place as he’d first thought.

However, there was no easy solution to her problems today. He approached her, put his arm lightly across her shoulders, and steered her toward the duke’s sanctuary. “Well, lucky for us we have something we should be doing ourselves right now. Let Venables take care of Walden Hall. I need you now.”

He opened the chamber door and Blythe slipped inside without comment. She stood before the shelves, gaze lifted to the tomes above her. “I cannot help feeling that this is a waste of time.”

“I had the same thought this morning.” He closed the door behind him with a soft click. “What prompted your misgivings?”

Blythe’s shoulders lifted, tensed, at the closing of the door. “There is no sense to how the books are shelved for one.”

r /> Tobias moved to stand behind her, set his hands to her waist and looked up. “There are a lot there.”

“Yes, but I cannot figure out his system. There must be one. How could the old duke have found a journal should he want a particular one? There is no catalogue to be found. Did he rely on memory alone?”

Tobias smoothed his hands up and down her sides. “I don’t think so. You said the journal concerning Leopold was very detailed and was kept close to the desk. Perhaps the ones at a distance were unimportant to him by the end of his life.”

“That is as good a theory as any.” A ragged breath left Blythe’s lips as she shuddered. “Please stop.”

He glanced down at where his hands rested just below her breasts. He bent down close to her ear. “You really don’t wish for me to continue?”

Her breath left her in ragged pants as he pressed his lips to the column of her throat. Such smooth, unblemished skin deserved to be worshiped. He couldn’t get enough of touching her. He raised his hand to cover her breast. She gasped, but didn’t make any move to dislodge him.

While he firmed his grip over the orb, he pressed light kisses over her skin. Blythe tilted her head and sagged against him, pressing her bottom against his erection. He groaned. Too damn tempting. He slid his hand from her breast, up the column of her throat, and turned her face to his. Her lips parted as he covered them. He drew her tightly against him, closed his eyes, and plundered her mouth until he was wild for her.

If not for their location, and her strong sense of propriety, he’d back her against the wall and take her here and now. But he couldn’t take Blythe as if she was a common whore with a dark corner for her lovers. She was a lady and deserved to be treated as such.

He opened his eyes as he drew back. Damp lips and pink skin, but not a hair out of place. He skimmed his hands over her body, rejoicing when she molded herself to him, clearly aroused and oblivious of her actions. This passion between them would be quenched. But such a pleasure required time and her full participation. He wouldn’t take her to his bed unless she was ready and aware.

He pressed a kiss to her cheek, stood straighter, and tucked her head beneath his chin. He inhaled deeply and fought to regain control before he begged for pleasure. Yes, soon. Very soon. But not here and not now. Not in a musty room full of old books that stank of scandal and corruption. “Perhaps we should concentrate on the journals kept closest to Leopold’s,” he said eventually, cursing the rough huskiness of his voice.

Blythe pressed her face against his chest and rocked her head from side to side. Her hands tightened on his waist. “I suppose that is as good as any plan.”

He glanced down at her. Did she not want to end the exchange? Her eyes were closed, her lip caught between her teeth. He smiled at the sight, satisfied beyond measure. He’d aroused her. He was certain of it. If there was a bed nearby he’d lay her upon it and feast on her perfect skin for the next few hours.