“Yes, Leopold.” She leaned against his shoulder. “We are ready to go when ever you wish it.”

His thumb caressed her knuckles. “May I carry Edwin? I’d like to move swiftly through the halls in case danger lurks.”

She squeezed his hand as a lump formed in her throat. “You never need ask that again.”

He released her hand and stepped up beside the bed. “Come along, Your Grace. You have a busy day ahead of you.”

Edwin rolled toward the end of the bed. “Will you take me riding today like you promised?”

Leopold lifted Edwin to his knees. “Not today, but I think I could convince Cook to whip up some pastries. Would you like to help him dust them?”

Edwin nodded briskly. “I should like that very much.”

He allowed Leopold to pick him up and carry him back to his room. A servant was waiting outside.

“All is quiet, Mr. Randall.”

Leopold nodded and then shifted Edwin in his arms. “Your Grace, may I present my valet to you. This is Colby. He will be keeping you company for a short time while, if your mother is agreeable. If you grow bored later, ask Colby to sing. He has a very fine voice.”

The valet scowled at his employer, but then smiled quickly for her son. Edwin threw himself at the valet and they disappeared inside her son’s chamber.

Leopold caught her elbow. “We need to talk.”

Hope soared in her breast. Had he been waiting until they could be alone before he would confess to their past encounter?

He harried her along to her bedchamber, but once inside he released her arm and rang the bell three times. The butler’s call. Mercy sat on a chair with a thump. She didn’t need the butler to hear this confession. She only wanted truth spoken between them and then she would let the matter rest. “Well?”

“I’d rather say this only once. We will wait for Wilcox to arrive.”

Mercy frowned at him, but Leopold merely paced the chamber.

When the door finally opened, Leopold stalked toward Wilcox. “He was here last night, in the grounds, outside the windows of the abbey.”

Wilcox looked about them wildly. “Are you sure?”

“As sure as I can be without leaving the duchess’ side.” Leopold raked his fingers through his hair. “He was there one minute and gone the next. He could be hiding any bloody where. I’d hoped to catch a glimpse of his direction when he left but he was too quick.”

Wilcox wrung his hands. “What can we do?”

“We need to change places. Tonight, I want you at the duchess’ side. My valet will also be with you to help guard the boy.”

Mercy stood. She didn’t like the sound of this. “Where will you be?”

“I’m going hunting.”

Leopold dropped his hand to his coat pocket where Mercy knew a small weapon resided. She shook her head. “No. I won’t allow it. You put yourself in danger unnecessarily.”

“I will not sit quietly while he roams the grounds at will. I will not allow h

im to come any closer to you or Edwin. I will stop him tonight and that will be the end of it.”

Mercy covered her face with her hands. What he suggested was terrifyingly dangerous. He could be hurt himself. Left to die out on the grounds and she would never know until it was too late. Warm hands guided her into a chair and settled on her head.

“It is the only way to keep you both safe. Remain here with Wilcox and let me deal with the problem. I have my uses.”

Mercy lifted her head and stared at him through blurry eyes. “I need you.”

His fingertips caressed her jaw. “I’m sorry.”