“It is a sick form of admiration to torment a woman and a child this way.”

Leopold frowned and held up the letter. “This reads like a love letter, Wilcox.”

The butler glanced at her guiltily and she knew he would tell Leopold about the animal killings if she didn’t. Mercy drew a deep breath but kept her gaze on her hands. “There has been more to the treats than just letters, I’m afraid.”

“How much more?” Leopold demanded.

Wilcox cleared his throat to take over the telling. “The abbey has been penetrated. Gifts have been left in Her Grace’s private quarters.”

“What kind of gifts?”

“The most recent was a body of a rabbit, slaughtered on her bed and left to be found.”

Leopold’s fast indrawn breath chilled Mercy. She risked a glance up at him and wished she hadn’t. His lips had drawn back from his teeth in a murderous snarl. He turned away, stalked toward her son and, after a brief conversation, managed to wrest the pencil from Edwin’s fingers. Then he picked Edwin up in his arms and tucked the boy against his chest. “Precautions must be taken. Come with me. Wilcox, there is a second pistol in that drawer behind you. Take it and remain close to Her Grace.”

Mercy’s heart raced as Edwin wrapped his arms tighter about Leopold’s neck. Her boy must be scared if he would seek comfort from Leopold, a virtual stranger in his life. Mercy wished she might do the same, but she had to behave with some propriety in front of the servants. She stood, hoping her legs would hold and not buckle beneath her. “Where are we going?”

Leopold’s head tilted to touch Edwin’s and he spoke quietly to her son. When Edwin relaxed, his gaze fixed on them. “Up. To your bedchamber first to retrieve those letters and then we will secure you both in more defensible rooms, somewhere you won’t be found so easily.”

That sounded a sensible plan to Mercy so she nodded and followed them to the door. Wilcox lightly gripped her arm and steered them in Leopold’s wake. The fast trip up the stairs and to her chamber was conducted in tense silence.

When the door of her bedchamber closed behind their backs, Leopold searched the room to ensure they were alone. He placed Edwin on the center of the bed, ruffling his hair as he stepped back. “The letters?” He thrust his large hand palm up in her direction.

Mercy hurried for the writing desk and opened the drawer, fumbling with the correspondence in her haste. When Leopold’s hand settled on her shoulder and rubbed, she took a deep breath, calming from his touch and then handed them to him.

Leopold brushed her cheek with his fingertips. “You’ve been frightened for a long time, haven’t you? That’s why you were wary when we first met, and why the boy has a servant with him even when he sleeps. Go and rest with him while I read these. I’ll be watching over you both.”

“Thank you.”

As she joined her son on the bed and began to play silly games with him, Wilcox crossed the room and spoke urgently with Leopold. Edwin touched her face and she turned to look into his sleepy eyes. She encouraged Edwin to lie down and rest and very soon he was asleep. But the men continued to talk and she closed her eyes and her ears to the sound of their discussion. Wilcox knew enough of what went on here and she trusted him to tell Leopold everything.

She woke abruptly as Leopold closed the bedroom door behind Wilcox. His expression was grim as he approached. Mercy sat up to face him and swung her legs over the side of the bed.

Leopold stopped a few feet away, just out of her reach. “I wish you had told me sooner.”

She wriggled to the edge of the bed. “I wanted to. I didn’t know you well enough and I didn’t want to scare you away by unburdening my fears on you. It is hardly a conversation to have upon a first meeting, is it?”

“You didn’t trust me.” He nodded. “That was the correct thing to do. We must protect the boy, and you, at all costs.” At last, Leopold closed the distance between them. He pulled her into his embrace and she wrapped her arms about him. Safe. He smoothed his hands over her back, lulling her until her heart no longer beat with fear. “Well, you have your wish, Your Grace. After this discovery, I’ll not be leaving you and Edwin anytime soon.”

Despite the reason, Mercy’s heart soared, but she was wise enough to hide her smile in the folds of Leopold’s waistcoat.

~ * ~

Leopold forced himself to be calm, despite the fury coursing through him at this unknown threat to Mercy and Edwin. As he had hoped, Wilcox agreed with him that serious steps must be taken to protect Mercy and the young duke from harm. Although Wilcox’s suggestion that Mercy flee to London with Edwin had merit, they were safer here.

He glanced at the sleeping child and fury built anew. He would not stand for anyone harming the boy. Not while he drew breath. Mercy’s fingers clutched at his waist and he bent to press a kiss to the top of her head to reassure her that all would be well.

He wished Mercy had told him earlier.

He wished she hadn’t let him care for her so much before she did.

He untangled himself from her grip and tipped her face up to his. “You must gather the few personal items you’ll need for the night, things that won’t be noticed as missing immediately, and be ready to move to another chamber after dining tonight. As far as the servants will know, you slept here. But you, Edwin, and I will spend the night elsewhere. Neither of you will be alone during the day or go on jaunts outside the abbey walls alone. Is that understood?”

The frown creasing Mercy’s face would have been comical under any other circumstances. She had clearly grown used to being in charge and having everyone defer to her wishes. He wondered how difficult she would become when he told her to stay away from even the windows.

To his surprise, she nodded. “I won’t need much. I’ll need very little if you are with me.”

He withdrew his hand from her face with regret. They couldn’t be intimate again, not with danger stalking them.