“I think your dimples make you appear very handsome. Quite rakish.”

“I’m not a rake.” But he was a prime idiot for being here still.

“No, I know. Everyone tells me you are a good man. I thought that the moment we met. You have a face that inspires trust.”

Leopold turned to her, astonished by her candid observations. “Are you like this with all gentlemen who come to call?”

She leaned against the wall behind her. “What? Brazenly forward with my speech with no thought to my elevated rank. Of course I am. It sets my sister’s teeth on edge, but I will not lose all of myself to the duchy.”

“I was talking about the kissing.”

Mercy stilled, a frown marred her brow. “No. No. Only you have had to suffer the indignity of my scandalous advances. I don’t know how you do it.”

Only you. Leopold’s heart pounded at the thought. Yet he must not forget his place again.

She drew closer. Her hands skimmed over his arms lightly, and then rose to adjust his cravat. Her deep green eyes held his gaze and she extended her tongue to lick her kiss-swollen lips.

Leopold’s cock thickened.

“Do you know that I’ve never wanted another man to touch me, not since my husband died? Most men are so obvious about their ambition to bed me. I quite like watching your eyes darken with desire like that. It makes me feel all fluttery.”

Leopold dragged in another desperate lungful of air and kept his hands by his side, curled into the tails of his coat. He would not touch her again. He didn’t trust himself.

“But unlike most men, you have the restraint of ten.”

She rose on her toes, brushing her lips lightly over his. Leopold growled, pushed to the edge of endurance by her teasing, and captured her wandering hands. “Enough, Your Grace, I’m not your plaything.”

Mercy settled back to the ground with a huff. “I had not once considered you in those terms, Leopold. I just enjoy kissing you. But, as you wish. I will do my best to behave.”

What he wished was to bury his face between the firm swells of her breasts and taste her soft skin. Ruthlessly, Leopold held himself in place.

Mercy glanced at her wrists, and he released her.

“As I said ‘the restraint of ten men’.” She sighed a little wistfully, and stepped back a few paces. “Lady Venables is joining me this afternoon for luncheon. Would you care to join us on the terrace before you begin in here? It seems as if the day will be fair.”

Leopold shook his head, even though she couldn’t see him. “I believe I should get started in here immediately. There is a lot to be done I fear.”

Her green eyes met and held his a long moment. “That’s what I thought you’d say. I truly do appreciate any help you can spare for my son and me. But I also understand that your first concern is finding your family, and that you will likely leave the moment you discover their location.” She frowned. “Whenever that happens, I still want you to consider coming back here with them. If only so we may become acquainted. I’m sure we will all get along famously.”

Mercy opened the door, but looked back at him one last time. Her gaze skimmed him from head to toe and back again, a smile tugging at her lips. The effect on his body was immediate. He shifted uncomfortably under her scrutiny.

Her lips curled into another impish smile. “I’ll see you at supper. We dine at eight.”

The door shut with a soft click.

Leopold continued to stare at the polished wood. Dear God, the Duchess of Romsey appeared far more single-minded than her predecessors. Leopold very much feared he wouldn’t be able to resist her come-hither looks for long. And when he did fall at her feet, he’d be utterly ruined.

Chapter Ten

Once Mercy stepped into the relative privacy of the hall, she gave in to her emotions and let out a satisfied huff. Yes, she and Leopold Randall would get along famously once he got over his apparent shyness. Mercy just needed to be patient with him, and give him time to adjust to life at the abbey. She hoped he adjusted quickly because the man was truly delicious to look at and especially to taste.

Fate had returned him to the abbey for a reason and Mercy was only too happy

to take advantage of it. She was supremely confident that her scandalous behavior was the result of finding a good man at long last. Why else would one glimpse of his dark eyes and taste of his firm lips make her act so shamelessly?

She had never behaved, or even felt, like this before. Well, perhaps once before.

Just once.