Leopold grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her. “That wouldn’t be wise. He is still a threat to Edwin.”

“Nonsense. He’d never hurt his nephew, would he?”

Tobias gasped. “Nephew?”

Mercy leaned close to Tobias. “If you harm your own flesh and blood, Tobias Randall, I will do worse to you than your brother can dream. Do we understand each other?”

“Nephew,” Tobias repeated rather stupidly again as Mercy drew back.

Did Leopold have to draw him a picture?

Mercy scowled. “Leopold, you never said your brother lacked for wits. I had assumed him to be rather more intelligent than this.”

“It has been many years since I’ve been in his company. Oliver is the clever one. Perhaps Tobias has used up what little wits he had.”

Mercy’s lips lifted in a sad smile. “Untie him so we can recover Edwin, my love. Bring him with you so he cannot disappear again.”

She swept out in a rush and began issuing orders to Wilcox and the housekeeper where they waited in the next room. Leopold glanced at his brother and saw bewilderment on his face.

“You and she and … the boy?”

Leopold rushed to untie his brother. “Now is not the time for this conversation.”

“Now is exactly the time,” Tobias protested. “Is the boy of your making or not?”

“Possibly,” Leopold hedged.

“I will have the truth, King Leopold. Did you cuckold our cousin?”

“It seems I did. And don’t call me King Leopold. We are far too old for those childish games to continue.”

“You never did have much of a sense of humor.” As the ropes fell away, Tobias surged to his feet, swung around and tackled him in a tight embrace. “You bloody brilliant bastard. What a way to get back at them. That changes everything.”

Leopold embraced his brother in return, but he didn’t like misleading Tobias as to Edwin’s conception. “I didn’t do it by choice, you idiot. I haven’t had control of my own life since our parents died. Let’s go.”

Although a frown crossed Tobias’ face, he couldn’t wait around to answer more questions. His boy was missing. He had to find out where Blythe had taken him before it was too late.

~ * ~

“Are you certain they are in there?” Mercy asked for the hundredth time.

Leopold nodded. “Edwin tried to answer me when I called out. Maybe he’s fallen asleep in the interim.”

Leopold didn’t say what else was on his mind. Had Blythe hurt Edwin to prevent him from calling out? He squeezed his eyes closed. His boy lived. He was sure of it. But for the moment Edwin was beyond Leopold’s reach. Blythe had taken him to a chamber and locked them in. She refused all entreaties to open the door. She did not believe Edwin was safe.

“Lady Venables, please, won’t you let Mercy see her son. She is desperate to see him.”

“Please, Blythe, I need to see him,” Mercy called.

“You cannot protect him. Not with a devil in the house.”

Mercy sobbed and pressed against the door. “Tobias Randall is very sorry to have frightened us with his letters. He has apologized and sought forgiveness. It is safe to come out, dearest.”

“Nowhere is safe. I’ll not lose Edwin, too. Go away. We will do well enough here on our own.”

Fear clutched at Leopold. Just how odd was Blythe? She had seemed sane, if a little more reserved than the usual lady he met. Were her mind and her heart completely broken?

He cocked his head at Tobias and they moved down the hall, away from the door. Wilcox rushed up the staircase to join them.