Mercy crossed her arms over her chest. “I know my own heart. I know what I want for my life.”

“So do I.” He wanted Mercy and Edwin in his life. “Wishing for the best has never made it happen.”

She shook her head. “This time can be different. Will be different, if I have my way.”

Mercy’s jaw had clenched stubbornly and he marveled at her determination. They were all wrong for each other, despite the attraction.

He shook off the sadness that gripped him. There were more important things to talk about right now. “In light of the danger this man poses, I want you to remain in one part of the abbey only during the day. It is far easier to guard you that way. I have organized a rejuvenation of the gardens on the east side of the abbey. We will have servants in the grounds on that side and no one will get past them during the day.”

“What about inside the abbey? It’s a vast space.”

Leopold smiled and caught up her hand. “Taken care of already. Come with me.”

He led her toward the door of an adjoining chamber and opened it wide. Wilcox and the housekeeper were in the next room, polishing the already perfect silver contained within.

Leopold nodded to them and closed the door again. He drew her to the other door next and opened it wide. Allen and his boys were stationed inside the next smaller room, talking quietly to each other as the boys bent their heads over books.

Allen glanced up. “Everything all right, Mr. Randall?”

“Everything is fine.”

Allen gave a tight smile and then ignored them.

Satisfied with the arrangements, Leopold closed the door again and turned to Mercy. She was frowning. “What bothers you?”

She tipped her head to draw him away from the door. Leopold followed her.

She clenched her hands together. “What do you know of Allen?”

“What do you mean?”

Mercy scowled. “You are being evasive again. Don’t do that.”

“Beg your pardon, Your Grace.”

“Don’t do that again either.”

Leopold sighed. He was too tired to fence with Mercy today. “I see I cannot win today.”

Mercy’s eyebrow rose. “Are we engaged in a battle?”

“Since the day we met. You would know everything that I am? I am not used to sharing my thoughts so freely.”

“Then you will need to change.” She shook her head. “Tell me what you know about Allen.”

Leopold hid a grin. She was the most determined woman he had ever met and he loved her for it. “Allen is good with horses.”

Her glance turned sullen. “Then why would you bring him into the abbey?”

“Because I trust him.”


“I knew him when I was a boy. He and my father were on friendly terms.”

Mercy’s frown grew. “Then he lived in the district before? He never mentioned that he was from the district when he interviewed with Wilcox.”

Had Allen lived close to the abbey before? Leopold couldn’t remember precisely where he might have lived, and he doubted that Wilcox had actually interviewed Allen. The man wasn’t even on the estate books to be paid each quarter day. Leopold would have to see if he could change that when this was over.