Edwin raced forward. “Aunty Bly, Aunty Bly. Did you see me? I was flying.”

Blythe bent over him and checked his arms, face and hands. “I saw you. But that is too dangerous for you, Edwin. You must remember you are a duke.”

Edwin ignored her and crashed into Mercy. “I flew, Mama.”

Mercy brushed her fingers over his flushed cheeks. “Did you thank Mr. Randall for the pleasure?”

Edwin’s face fell. He turned slowly and then flew back across the room into Leopold’s legs. “Thank you.” It was like watching a whirlwind. Edwin was giddy with joy.

Leopold bent to whisper in Edwin’s ear and her son ran off to play with his toys.

Anna, ignored by Edwin so far, swept past Mercy toward Leopold. “Now I see why my friend was in no great hurry for us to become acquainted.” She boldly held out her hand. “Lady Barnet.”

Leopold’s gaze flickered to Mercy then at the hand held out to him. He caught it briefly. “Leopold Randall, at your service.”

When Anna eyed him appreciatively, Mercy ground her teeth. That was quite enough of that sort of thing. Mercy knew that look. It was the same one that crossed Anna’s face when she saw something she wanted to have. She wanted Leopold. Her Leopold. The hot sting of jealousy burned through her breast. She caught her sister’s arm and drew her forward. “You remember my sister, Mr. Randall, don’t you?”

Leopold stepped away from Anna. “Of course. A pleasure to see you, Lady Venables. Her Grace has missed your company.”

Blythe nodded, but she didn’t speak to him. However, she watched him just as carefully as Anna did. Her gaze wary. Poor Leopold looked decidedly uncomfortable. Mercy quashed her pity. He’d duped her into liking him. He was nothing better than a cad, a philanderer, and a scoundrel.

Thank heavens this situation was so tense that he wasn’t smiling. Because if he did smile, or laugh, Anna and Blythe might notice he and Edwin had matching dimples. She’d been a fool not to have noticed the likeness from the start. Her son was undoubtedly of Leopold’s making. Dear God, she was so foolish to have invited him to stay with them. What would Blythe think of her?

“Well, then. I’ll leave you ladies to spoil the lad.” Leopold stopped beside her shoulder. “He’s been asking after you. I’ve just sent the maid to the kitchen in search of a treat for him.”

A quick smile eluded Mercy’s control as she watched her son at play. “I’ll see you at dinner, Mr. Randall. Enjoy your afternoon.”

“Of course, Your Grace.”

The tone he used, so reminiscent of their first meeting, made Mercy’s heart skip a beat. She might be angry with him for his deceit, but she didn’t want too great a distance to spring up between them. She thrust her hand out as he passed and brushed her fingers across the back of his hand. The touch sent a short spark of lightning along her nerves. Mercy held herself rigidly in place as the desire to follow him, and fling herself into his arms, grew. She couldn’t do that while Anna and Blythe were here. But she had to sort through her suspicions before she embraced him again.

The door shut with a soft click.

“Well, no wonder you will not come up to Town.” Anna fanned herself with her hand. “What a lover he’d make.”

Mercy did not like the sound of Anna’s speculation. Although she wanted to stay mad with Leopold, she didn’t want to share him either, which meant that she’d already forgiven him for not revealing his knowledge of their past association.

Wearily, Mercy turned for a chair and sat. She was very much attached to the dratted man, and it had only taken three nights in his arms, including their first night when she didn’t know him at all. If she spent more time with him, would she ever let him go?

“You’re not seriously suggesting that Mercy should pursue him,” Blythe asked, shock evident in her tone. “He’s an upstart.”

Anna laughed. “Lady Venables, you are simply too naïve. A man with a presence such as that is perfect for a diverting, temporary dalliance. A grateful man is always the most willing to give a woman pleasure.”

Mercy’s heart revolted at her friend’s words. How could she say such things about Leopold or about any man? She’d have to stop this conversation or they might not remain friends. She cleared her throat. “You are speaking of my family, my son’s family, Anna. I would appreciate it if you kept such thoughts to yourself.”

Blythe gasped.

Anna smiled. “Of course, Your Grace. Forgive me for speaking out of turn. But you must admit, he truly is delicious to look at. If only he was a man you could trust, eh?”

Mercy licked her lips, suddenly afraid of Anna’s quick apology. Had she guessed by her quick defense of him that she and Leopold were already lovers, and that Mercy had no intention of turning him away should the opportunity arise? She smoothed her skirts, suddenly self-conscious. “I think I shall have luncheon brought forward. Are you both hungry?”

“Not me,” Anna replied quickly. “If you will excuse me I have another call to make today.”

“Of course, Anna.” Mercy rose and kissed her friends cheeks. “Thank you for your visit. Do come again another day.”

“I’ll make a point of it, you can be certain of that.” Anna swept out and then it was just Mercy and Blythe alone, with Edwin playing quietly at their feet.

Blythe leaned forward. “Tell me you had no choice but to have him stay here?”