After a time, he pressed his head hard against her chest and then rocked it from side to side. “What have we done? Madness.”

Mercy chuckled. “We’ve done quite well, don’t you think?”

Leopold lifted off Mercy, found where she had tossed his cravat and quickly dressed himself. “This isn’t a laughing matter.” He wiped her thigh with his handkerchief until she was clean. He drew back when he’d finished and sat on the other end of the bench, as far away from her as he could get.

Mercy lay as he left her, feeling well loved, content, and wickedly smug about their tryst. No wonder Anna was always going on about taking a lover. She’d made the right choice to encourage Leopold.

When he didn’t come closer again, she sat up unaided and put herself to rights. While she was dressing, Leopold paced the small space. He didn’t seem as content as she’d expected him to be after such a wonderful interlude. Had he not enjoyed making love to her? Mercy shook her head. He had enjoyed it while it was happening. Only now was he discontent.

When he passed close by, she caught the tails of his coat and tugged hard. He staggered toward her.

“Do not make a wonderful night of pleasure into something sordid. I enjoyed every moment in your arms and hope that you did in return. Do not make me feel bad for how happy you’ve made me feel tonight. Unless, of course, you prefer a paid Indian mistress to an honest English woman.”

Chapter Thirteen

Not bloody likely. Maki

ng love to Mercy was the nearest thing to heaven. He had almost lost himself, and his precious control, in her arms tonight. He could not forget himself and get her with child. The scandal would ruin her good reputation and he could not bear that. But he had almost failed to withdraw in time as his release had caught him by surprise. She had clutched him so tight against her that he’d had to fight his way to break free before he could spill across her skin. It had pained him, but he had done it for her sake. How could she suggest he had regrets about the rest?

A growl bubbled up inside him and he pulled Mercy up from the bench and into his arms. “Making love to you outshines the paltry pleasures any paid companion could offer. They react to ensure the man’s pleasure alone.”

“So you were pleased?”

Leopold set his mouth to Mercy’s neck and nipped lightly along her smooth skin. Her back arched, her fingers clawed at his shirt sleeves. So damn responsive. That had been the problem between them from the first night, and why he would need to leave Romsey sooner rather than later. He might never get enough of her. “I was more than pleased. Mercy, you are more woman than a man like me deserves.”

Her hands threaded into his hair, exactly the way he liked it. “Then it is a good thing I’m a charitable lady because I plan to keep you all to myself for as long as I can.”

Leopold drew back, stunned. “I cannot stay here indefinitely. I cannot keep doing this with you. There could be consequences if we are not careful.” More consequences.

He hoped he held back the anguish that flooded him. He had missed her first pregnancy because he had not known he might have been the father. But if he got her with child now, the scandal would ruin her because he would stay close enough to ensure she was well looked after. But she was a duchess. She would not give up all of this to become merely Mrs. Leopold Randall. She would never marry a man of his lower rank to avoid scandal. A child, one he was certain was of his making, would bind their lives together indefinitely. How could he stay away if he filled her belly again?

Mercy pushed him to the bench and settled over his thighs, dropped her head to his shoulder and curled her arms tightly around him. Her breath puffed against his jaw and he cuddled her closer, heart heavy because he would be denied what he’d never thought he’d have—his own family.

She sighed heavily. “A pity. You make love to me so well. I suppose I will have to be grateful for any small crumbs you share with me.”

Leopold rolled his eyes, astounded that she thought he was doing her a favor by making love to her. Any man would jump at the chance to take his place. “You must think of your reputation, and of Edwin.”

“Edwin is all I think about.” She rose from his lap suddenly and straightened her gown. “And you. I have no other life beyond these walls.”

Leopold’s heart pounded but he forced himself to remember that he had a mission to accomplish here at Romsey. Finding his siblings superseded any other desires. He forced himself to stand with his hands clasped behind his back and waited on Mercy’s next startling declaration. She was about due to make another one.

She strolled closer, eyeing his bearing with a frown. “I require an escort back to the abbey, Mr. Randall, if you please.”

Although Mercy’s lapse into formality startled him, Leopold knew his duty to obey. He held out his arm for her to take and strolled up the lawn with her to the dark abbey. At the terrace door, he locked them in. When he turned, he spotted a lone candle burning on the table which meant that Wilcox had spied Mercy outside with him. He picked up the candle, troubled by the ill that boded. Would the servants be gossiping already?

He held out the candle to Mercy, but she shook her head and would not take it. She settled her hand to his sleeve and guided him toward the stairs. Did she intend for him to walk her all the way to her bedchamber? She couldn’t possibly suggest that.

She didn’t suggest a thing. Said not one word, but she guided him through the dark abbey leaving him in no doubt of her intention that he escort her upstairs, too. He wished he had the power to deny her. He wished one of them could do the responsible thing tonight.

When they reached the family wing, Mercy detained him at her son’s bedchamber. She inched the door open and Leopold held up the light so she might see her son clearly. Edwin slept on his side, tangled in lengths of linen. A footman dozed, propped up against the large bed. Leopold frowned, wondering why the boy needed a servant with him at night when she’d said he slept so deeply. But he was young enough to need protection, so he supposed Mercy was sweet to dote on him like this.

When Mercy turned, her face lifted to study his. The close inspection worried Leopold. Would she see the same resemblance he saw in her son? He dreaded the day she saw his guilt and guessed why. She would no longer look on him so kindly.

Her lips lifted in a soft smile and she turned away. “This way, Mr. Randall.”

He followed along blindly and when they reached a door he guessed it was her apartments. He hung back and allowed her to lead the way, but she stopped to wait for him. He closed the door quietly and studied the sitting room around him. Mess, chaos, and children’s’ toys abounded. The space reminded him of his childhood home, his siblings perched at his mother’s feet.

She hurried ahead into the next room, her figure illuminated by the firelight shining through the open doorway. Leopold gulped at the reminder of how wonderful her body was when he’d held her in his arms. He followed Mercy to her bedchamber, closing the door with a loud thump.