Page 6 of A Husband for Mary

A couple, perched precariously on a chair, toppled off nearby and onto the floor, laughing but not halting their amorous pursuits. “They’re not doing a very good job of it,” she suggested dryly to her escort.

The pair wrestled around, sucking at each other’s lips with utter abandon while everyone looked on.

The centurion laughed and leaned close again. “The trick there would have been to find a sturdier chair, or perhaps make use of a bedchamber upstairs.”

“Surely our hosts would not permit that,” she said, unable to hide her surprise.

“Anything is possible on a night like this.” He winked. “A goddess may have anything she desires. She need only offer the right encouragement to be worshiped.”

Mary blushed hotly beneath her veil as a waltz was struck up by the orchestra playing somewhere above their heads on the balcony. She’d been secretly taught the steps by her dance instructor, but rarely danced it due to its scandalous reputation and Douglas’s disapproval. She would like to dance tonight, and her brother was not here to see her do it.

She’d like to dance all night with her handsome centurion, if such a feat could be managed. At two dances, it would be assumed she and her centurion had an understanding if they were in any other place of entertainment. For the first time in her life, she wanted to flout the rules and live very dangerously indeed.

She leaned close to her companion. “Dance with me.”

His lips curved up into a delighted smile. “I was just about to ask, but I’ll dance with you all night if you would allow me the pleasure.”

“I think I will.” She curled her arm through his and smiled. Yes, she would be very reckless indeed and enjoy her handsome companion. “Lead the way, sir.”

The centurion was an excellent dancer. Every brush of their hands, smile exchanged made her heart ache to be closer to him. Mary could not stop caressing the bulge of his shoulder muscle whenever the chance came, and he allowed it, encouraged her touch even with his frequent smiles. His body was so distracting that blushing had almost become second nature.

They danced four dances together, something that would be terribly improper anywhere else, and at the end of the fourth set he led her toward the refreshment table and handed her another glass of champagne to

cool her down.

She was not just hot from the dancing. All her senses seemed heightened in his company. “Lovely,” she whispered.

“Yes, you are.” He eased her away from the refreshment table, his hand warm on her back and sending tingles all over her body. “It has been a memorable evening.”

“Indeed.” Mary peeked at him. He was so perfect for her in every way that mattered that she was afraid for a moment that he might not feel the same. What would happen if he was merely toying with her affections? How would she even know? “I don’t want tonight to end yet,” she murmured.

“Neither do I.” His arm firmed around her back, pulling her close against his warm chest. “Stay with me,” he whispered.

Mary blushed and leaned into him while she caught her breath. Her pulse raced at his proximity yet she had no desire to distance herself from him as a proper lady should. She hadn’t found a husband in three seasons, her fourth might never happen, but she was utterly enthralled by this stranger. Aroused by his smiles, and by his touch. She hadn’t the faintest idea who he might be and it didn’t seem important. Tonight was her only chance to experience passion and she would take a chance on him. “Can I?”

“Yes, Devi,” he said then leaned closer, allowing her to touch his face. “I want you more than anything in the world.”

Mary glanced around at the other guests. She wished they were alone so she could have this one night of uninterrupted bliss with him without witnesses. “Where can we go?”

His lips caressed her ear. “I am sure we could find a private chamber upstairs if you’d care to explore the rest of the house together.”

A bedchamber seemed a very good idea if she was going to be truly wicked. She felt a little too exposed here. She curled her arm about his, breathless with anticipation, and held onto him tightly. “I’d like to be alone with you.”

They burst into an unoccupied room with a groan half an hour later, finally having made an escape from the crowds below and avoided the other lovers making use of dark corner of house. What she had seen already had given her imagination a great many ideas of how to pass the rest of her evening. Her heart had been well and truly lost to the centurion.

Tearing at their clothes in their eagerness to touch each other, now they could not be seen by others, disapproving or applauding, they slammed the door shut, leaving them in near darkness.

A quick glance revealed they’d stumbled into a bedchamber. Mary backed toward the bed, legs a little weak, beckoning her handsome centurion to follow with her fingers. His grin grew as he dropped his costume from his broad shoulders right at the door.

Mary did not bother to hide her sigh of appreciation. Her centurion was indeed handsome and well formed from head to toe. She admired his body, allowing her eyes to rest on his manhood as it thickened and rose. She blinked at his increasing proportions and then licked her lips, discovering now the last piece of her questions had been answered. This is what made men and women different. This was how men and women made children. That was how they came together in bed. “Oh my!”

“Do I please you, Devi?”

“Yes,” she said breathlessly. She slipped her gown off one shoulder as her breasts grew heavy yet again. Her nipples had become so sensitive they tingled. She had a feeling this man would know how to fix that.

The centurion caught the end of her garment and Mary gracefully unwound the abnormally long length from her body by turning slowly around until she was naked. Her costume left no room for chemise or stays, so she stood nervously until her centurion’s grin grew wide. “Exactly my thought about you. Your skin, your body, is beyond compare.” He cupped her jaw, and his fingers found the fastening of her veil. “I would grant your heart’s desire in an instant should you confess it is me.”

His words made her brave, to ask for what they’d been rushing toward since she’d met him. “Make love to me.”