Fanny had had enough. She had his measure now. He wanted all her money, not just a token amount. She loathed men like him, and his father, too. “Do you refer to the document you have right there in your pocket? The document you intend to blackmail me with to ensure we marry so you can fritter away my fortune on wine, other women and cards?”

He smiled as if she was finally catching on.

“You might have been moderately convincing if I didn’t have that document safely locked away already, my lord.”

Wilks froze, eyes boring into hers.

Fanny stood and went to ring the bell. “Since you have nothing truly important to say to me or give back, I believe we have nothing further to say to each other.”

Wilks was on his feet and rushing her, crowding her until she stumbled back. “I still know what it says,” he hissed.

“Do you believe everyone is always eager to believe fabrications? That hasn’t been my experience with society,” she warned.

Wilks drew back. “Anyone can see Dawes is in love with you.”

Fanny’s heart gave an odd lurch. “He is an actor. A very good one. That’s why he won my patronage over an actor with years more experience. He’s fooled you into thinking he was in love with me because I asked him to play a part. Father approved our little play and has been coaching him on the habits of society gentlemen. He has learned a lot this past week.”

A momentary expression of doubt flickered over Wilks’ face but he drew back even further. “So, you’re not involved with the actor.”


“He’s an amusing companion and plays no part in my decisions.”

A door opened and Fenton, steward of the Stapleton estate, stomped into the room looking unusually cross. Also, as usual, he carried a stout stick that he tapped on the floor as he walked toward her. “Dawes ordered me to come see you, Lady Rivers.”

As happy as she was to have Fenton in the room her heart sank as Wilks smirked. “Orders the servants about already, does he. I rather think there’s more to his position in your life than you want to admit, my lady. How far the mighty have fallen. Paying a man to make love to you and falling for him, too.”

Fanny ground her teeth. Jeremy!

Why couldn’t he have trusted her to take care of the matter without him. He had no right to interfere in her business. She couldn’t have been clearer. She had almost had Wilks convinced there was no gain to be had gossiping about a contract he didn’t have a copy of. “The only thing I have almost fallen for were your lies, and your father’s. Fenton, Lord Wilks has expressed a desire to leave the estate. Do be so kind as to have his luggage brought down so he might depart immediately.”

Fenton twirled his stick menacingly. “A pleasure, my lady. Oh, and his grace wishes to see you when you are free.”

“I am free now in fact,” she promised, glancing at Wilks without smiling. “Goodbye, my lord.”

Wilks wet his lips. “This isn’t over. My father will—”

“Yes, I’m sure he will try anything to get what he wants,” Fanny murmured. “Do make sure to remind your father that I was still considering the opportunity he was so anxious to have me invest in. His actions will guide my final decision.”

“When you are ready, my lord,” Fenton murmured, stepping closer to Wilks with a hard thump of his stick upon the floor.

Wilks looked ready to argue but then strode off when Fenton swung his stick again.

“His grace is waiting in the library,” Fenton said to Fanny grinning before he slipped from the chamber, following Wilks.

When they couldn’t be heard anymore, Fanny swore and then left the chamber to report to her father in the library.

Father beamed when he saw her, rising from a chair by the fire. “Ah, Fanny. There you are at last.”

“Were you looking for me for very long, Papa?”

“It’s always too long.” Father crossed the room to meet her and pressed a kiss to her brow. “Come in and talk to your poor old father. You’re looking a little flushed. Has something upset you?”

“No.” On an impulse, Fanny wrapped her arms around her papa and gave him a squeeze. He was one of the good ones, and good men were so very rare. He hugged her back, then set her apart from him. “What was that for?”

“I just needed it.”

He made a grumbling sound, but she could tell he was pleased. “Come and sit down with me.”