“You’d be surprised. Some of us are quite experimental.”

He frowned. “Have I not provided enough satisfaction?”

Fanny pulled him to her for a deep kiss. “I’d be happy to discuss all the forms of pleasure we might share when we have more time to indulge, Jeremy. As it is, I must go.” Fanny rolled to her knees and then stood. “Would you help me dress? I have a blackmailer to meet and put in his place.”


“Yes, Lord Thwaite insisted I meet with his son today to return the contract. No doubt he’ll try to spring some sort of demand for money upon me then.”

“You never said you were being blackmailed by Thwaite or his son.”

She shrugged. “I never thought it was important to tell you.”

“I consider it important, my lady.”

“Why?” she shrugged again. “It will not be you paying their demands, not that I intend to give them one undeserving penny.”

Jeremy put his hands on her shoulders to still her. “You already have the document in your safe. Why bother going?”

Fanny looked up at him. “I am a woman of my word, sir. I agreed to meet, and I will hear what Wilks ha

s to say. And then I will refuse him. As you said earlier, they can do nothing without proof in their hands.” Fanny moved away to sit before her dressing mirror, naked and lovely, but she grimaced. “Oh dear, there’s the hoyden I used to be so long ago.”

Jeremy moved to stand behind her, seeing nothing he’d change, but still concerned. “Hardly that.”

“I look like I just tumbled down a steep slope. Several times.”

Jeremy wet his lips. “About this meeting. I’m coming with you.”

“No, you will not,” she said firmly.

“Why not? I’m involved.”

Fanny studied him in the mirror. “If you are there, it will only add fuel to their suspicions. But more importantly, I don’t need a man to fight my battles for me.”

“You needed me this week,” he reminded her.

Her face softened a touch. “And I appreciate your friendship during this difficult time. I really do. And today was lovely, but sir, you have no right to involve yourself in my affairs just because we made love.”

Jeremy flinched.

And Fanny was on her feet and before him in a second. “Now do not take offense. I need to do this alone. We’ll get along better if you stop questioning every little thing I decide, sir. I wish I didn’t have to go but I must.”

Jeremy did not like this at all but what could he really do? If she didn’t want him there, she didn’t. That didn’t mean he couldn’t be of help. “Wilks is not to be trusted.”

“Yes, I know that.”

“You shouldn’t be alone with him.”

Fanny frowned. “I hardly require a chaperone.”

“Don’t argue. I’ll not leave you alone with him.”

She smiled. “I had no idea you were such a worrier.”

Jeremy jerked his trousers on and tucked in his shirt, even though they were damp still. He’d have to change before he could follow her downstairs.

“Jeremy, have you ever laced a corset?”