He had been at Stapleton long enough to have learned the most direct and discreet path to reach his chambers, and Fanny’s chambers weren’t too far along from there. He chivvied her up the first flight of stairs, checking at each turn for servants or a wandering guest.

At first their path was clear but when they reached the upper fl

oor, they heard voices ahead of them. Jeremy pushed Fanny against a wall and held her there with his body. The Duke of Stapleton was talking with one of the servants not too far away.

Fanny stifled a laugh against his shoulder.

“Quiet,” Jeremy warned, seeing nothing amusing in their predicament.

Fanny tried to peek past him, but he held her close and firmly away from the corner.

She wriggled against his body, standing on her tiptoes to loop her arms about his neck. Her breath was warm against his ear. “I haven’t tried to sneak around behind my father’s back since I was a girl,” she whispered.

Her warm breath sent a thrill racing through every part of his body. Jeremy slowly glanced down into her upturned face. “You’re lucky to have a father to sneak around behind,” he murmured, fighting a shiver and something more.

He could see no sign that Fanny was alarmed by their proximity. In fact, she appeared to be cuddling up to him. She had, too, when he’d slept beside her, at odd times during the night. Right now, a droplet of rain was slowly sliding into her cleavage. Jeremy longed to lick that drop away, but not here in the hall where anyone might interrupt.

By God, Fanny was a woman to crave. Pretty and used to getting what she wanted. He didn’t mind that she’d thought he might share her bed one day, but he was surprised that she’d want him there, and a month ago it had been, too.

Her fingers stole into the hair at his nape and her lips parted on a sigh.

He eased away from temptation. “Your current state is entirely my fault.”

“Yes, it is.” A cheeky smile lifted the corners of her lips as her fingers spread over his chest. “What are you going to do about it?”

Jeremy scowled. She was daring him to misbehave, and right here where her father could find them. Here was further proof that this woman didn’t play by society’s rules. But he was trying to.

Jeremy peeked around the corner in time to see Stapleton turn into the stairwell and finally disappear. He waited a moment longer to be sure the duke was really gone and then grabbed Fanny by the hand to pull her out of hiding. He rushed her down the hall, and they reached her chambers without being seen. She produced a key and let herself in.

Jeremy followed and looked around. “Where’s is that bloody maid of yours?”

Fanny chuckled. “My maid is never in my room at this time of day. I’ve no idea where she is, either, or desire to know. I like my privacy.”

He shook his head. “You allow your maid, all your servants, to run roughshod over you.”

Fanny shrugged and moved toward the far windows to look outside and then turned to face him, her eyes alight. “The storm hasn’t abated. It could be like this for hours…and no one will come to disturb us.”

“I’ll ring for your maid,” he decided.

“Oh no, you won’t.” Fanny rushed to get between him and the bell. “All I need is a little help from you again.”

Jeremy froze briefly then shook his head. Last time, he’d undressed her in the dark. He shouldn’t undress Fanny in the daylight. Not with Thwaite and Wilks lurking about. “The maid would do a better job.”

“Of undressing me?”


She popped a button undone at the front of her gown. “Of rinsing my skin clean and drying me?”

Jeremy gulped. Fanny was pushing his limits on purpose. “Yes, of course, the maid will be needed for that.”

Fanny sidled closer, her face upturned to his. There was a streak of mud on her jaw, and more water droplets splattered on her now heaving chest from her dripping hair. By God! Even bedraggled she was stunning.

Jeremy trembled as she lay her hands upon his chest again.

“Fanny,” he warned.

“There’s no need to fight this.”