
She lifted her eyes to his. “I must be the worst judge of character of anyone that has ever lived.”

He shook his head in denial. “That is simply not true.”

Rebecca crossed the room and dropped into the seat next to him. “I always seem to place my faith in the wrong people only to be burned later.”

“You are a kind woman,” Adam promised. “If there is any fault in you is that you give too much of yourself.”

“Or they try to take what is mine.”

Adam slipped his arm around her back. “You know who visited that shop, don’t you?”

Rebecca nodded, and then her face twisted with unbearable pain. She uttered a little wail and threw herself into Adam’s arms. She sobbed, quite bitterly for a good long while as Adam tried his best to comfort her. After a while, he picked her up and sat her

on his lap. With Rebecca secure in his arms, Adam let her cry as hard as she liked against his coat and then brought out his handkerchief. He pushed it under her nose. “Here, take this.”

She took it from him but turned her face into his shoulder rather than looking at him.

“Did you know that the first rule of my family is that a good cry is allowed, nay even encouraged. Sob away.”

She spluttered. “You’re trying to make me feel better?”

“Is it working?”

“Yes it is.” She sat up on his knees, dabbing at her tear stained face. “You’re a better man than I gave you credit for. I was so cold to you for so long. How did you stand me?”

He took the handkerchief and soaked up her tears with it. “I’m an acquired taste. So are you. You’re a good influence on me. Will you tell me now whom you suspect? I swear, I’ll draw his cork if you want me to.”

“No violence will be required from you, Adam,” she warned.

Adam grinned because Rebecca had used his given name at last. Now they were really getting somewhere. “Tell me? No more stalling.”

She tilted her head to the side and her expression grew pensive. “I might need your help proving the matter.”

“That’s what I’m here for. To help you.”

“I might also need your help finding a new solicitor soon too.”

Adam cursed at length.

“Language, Adam,” Rebecca chided when he finished venting, but she was smiling at him fondly. “You are in the presence of a lady.”

“Damn right I am.” He kissed Rebecca soundly and they quickly made plans for the next day.

Chapter 16

“This is cozy,” Adam whispered, nuzzling Rebecca’s neck.

Rebecca was standing in his arms in the storeroom of Garrick’s Emporium of Fine Wares the next day. They had been hiding here an hour, and her feet were already starting to ache. That was the only reason she’d allowed Adam to embrace her.

He seemed very good at holding her up. “What if they don’t come?”

“Then we’ll catch him tomorrow. Garrick won’t complain.”

“Of course not. Not with you spending your money in his shop.”

“I’m planning for the future. When Ava is older, I’ll need those walking canes to drive off her would be suitors. When this is over, you should buy something from the shop too. There is a pretty lady's cane over there I’ve been admiring this past hour. I think it would suit you very well.”