If. Adam did not care for Mr. Barclay’s tone at all.

“But you were sure it was mine in the beginning. Forgive me for being particular about this matter, but I simply cannot get the situation out of my mind. I have reviewed all my previous shopping expenditure twice already.”

When the fellow hesitated, Adam uncrossed his arms and made sure it seemed he was about to interfere again. That seemed enough for Barclay to shuffle through the contents of his desk and obtain a much-handled brown folder. Adam noted the file was quite small.

As the file changed hands, he sat back.

Rebecca quickly acquainted herself with the contents of her file. He saw an accounting of numbers on several pages but also loose papers inserted at the back. Adam did not attempt to spy on her finances. He didn’t need Rebecca to have a fortune in order to marry her. He waited patiently, watching Barclay instead.

Barclay smiled back until one page suddenly slipped out her file and fell to the floor.

Adam quickly returned it to her promptly and then looked at Barclay again. The fellow seemed unconcerned as Rebecca studied the returned page and when she reinserted it at the very end of the file without comment he smiled warmly at Rebecca. “I trust everything is in order.”

“I understand the situation better now, sir.” Rebecca handed the

file back, but she was studying Barclay closely too. The same look that tended to unnerve lesser gentleman.

Barclay showed no sign of discomfort however and Adam relaxed.

“I am sorry that you’ve come for nothing, madam,” Barclay said. “If you had but waited I would have had an answer for you before the end of the month.”

Rebecca stood. “Thank you, Mr. Barclay, for seeing me at such short notice. I look forward to reading your next quarterly report.”

“Are you returning to Suffolk now?”

Adam glanced at Rebecca quickly, but she ignored him and bestowed a smile on the solicitor. “I am not sure, but I will write to tell you my travel plans as I usually do.”

They had not talked about the future but Adam would any day now.

Adam nodded. “Good day Mr. Barclay.”

“Lord Rafferty, I hope to see you again soon.”

“Perhaps,” he said without committing himself to another meeting. He escorted Rebecca out, noting that the door to the library were open but was no longer occupied.

He heard Rebecca ask to be taken to a new address.

“Mr. Garrick’s Emporium of Fine Wares? Sounds impressive.”

“I highly doubt it will be,” she warned him.

“Not to worry. You’ll have me for protection. I’m glad you asked me to escort you,” Adam teased.

He noticed the maid grinning at his remark, but then turned back to the view as they left the part of London he knew best. “Who do you think was in library?”

“It was Peter Warner,” Rebecca confessed. “I would recognize his voice anywhere.”

“He wasn’t happy.”

“No he certainly was not.” Rebecca leaned closer. “Whenever I meet with Barclay he carries my file to the library and back again. When he returned to his office after meeting with Peter he had nothing in his hands.”

“Do you think he has taken his business elsewhere?”

“Possibly.” Her brow furrowed. “Peter cannot tolerate incompetence and he was already suspicious when we last spoke.”

“We are close, my lord,” Mr. Chapman called.

The carriage came to a complete stop, and Adam looked out and immediately wished he was with any other woman. He didn’t like the look of the neighborhood. “I don’t suppose you would wait here and allow me to deal with this matter for you?”