“Is he here?” Adam asked quickly before Rebecca could identify herself as a client. Adam thought an ambush might be the best way to obtain the reassurances she sought.

“Yes, of course, sir. But I am afraid he is in a meeting with a very important client.”

Adam presented his card to the fellow. “The matter is of great importance to me.”

The clerk’s eyes grew round. “Please forgive me, my lord. I did not recognize you.”

“Of course, I am not a client of this establishment. Not yet, anyway,” he murmured. What is your name, sir?”

“It is Gibbons. Anthony Gibbons, my lord.” He began flicking through an appointment book. “Mr. Barclay could see you in a few days.”

“Today,” Adam insisted.

“I’ll see what I can do.”

“Good.” He intended to get Rebecca a meeting any way he could. “Do you have somewhere private we might wait for Mr. Barclay?”

The fellow bit his lip as he glanced toward the distant doorway where Adam had heard raised in argument before. All had grown quiet inside.

Gibbons seemed a smart fellow, proved it too when he quickly rounded the desk and gestured Adam toward another doorway further down the hall. “This way, if you please, my lord.”

Adam smiled as he ushered Rebecca into the offered room and held a seat for her before he looked around properly. The place was full of files and paperwork. It was a busy practice. He could see how mistakes might be made.

Adam made sure that Rebecca’s maid had a chair and turned back to Gibbons. “There’s nothing we need now but for Barclay to see us. You may return to your duties, sir.”

“Very good, sir.”

When the fellow had gone on his way, clearly reluctant to do so, Rebecca turned to Adam to whisper. “I’ve only met with Barclay in the library at the front before. This must be his private office.”

“I thought it must be too.”

Rebecca leaned toward him. “The clerk would have sent me away but for you.”

“Possibly,” he said. “That would have been a mistake.”

They waited only ten minutes before a tall man with thinning hair burst into the room, full of apologies for keeping Adam waiting.

And then he noticed Rebecca perched at his side and his smile slipped away. “Mrs. Warner?”

“Mr. Barclay.”

“I had no idea you’d be returning to Town.”

“I arrived only yesterday.”

The man glanced at Adam again but appeared very confused. Adam tipped his head toward Rebecca and then folded his arms across his chest. He was only there to intimidate so that Rebecca could conduct this interview.

Barclay turned his attention to Rebecca quickly. “How can I be of service, madam?”

“I have come to discuss the statement you sent to me last week.”

“Unfortunately, the matter is still under investigation.”

“What was there to investigate?” Adam cut in. “Clearly, Mrs. Warner was in Suffolk at the time the purchase was made.”

Rebecca shushed him. “I was hoping you might allow me to view the paperwork.”

“For what purpose? You say the bill was not yours to pay. I will deal with the matter and reprimanded the clerk involved if he has made a mistake.”