Adam kept his attention on her face now, and he slowed his pace. The lamplight showed every emotion there was to see. “I want to see you come for me.”

She parted her lips, and then her fingers fluttered over her sex once more.

She writhed against him desperately. Adam kept his thrusts even and waited for her to climax. Her body suddenly clenched around his cock and a small sob left her lips as she shuddered. Her body shook around him again and again, and she buried her face in his shoulder as the spasms continued to wrack her body.

Adam was overwhelmed by her pleasure. He slammed into her once, twice, and then he loosened his seed inside her.

Panting hard, they stayed together, gasping as one for several minutes. Rebecca’s sex still twitched around him as Adam hugged her tightly. He swept her hair from her damp face and nuzzled her lips gently.

He eased from her body and then swept her into his arms. Adam had to shuffle to the bed because his breeches were around his ankles, but he managed to set her down on his sheets without incident. He undressed her carefully in silence, and then pinched out the candle. He stripped and slid into bed beside her in the dark.

Adam drew Rebecca into his arms. “You are an incredible lover,” he told her.

She put her hand on his chest and looked up into his face. “I think you are, too.”

Adam grinned. “Finally a little flattery.”

Her face clouded with remorse. “I don’t mean to be cold,” she whispered. “It’s just I’ve never once had to talk this way. It isn’t proper.”

He kissed the top of her head quickly. “I guess I’ll always know when I’ve pleased you and when I don’t. I hope you’ll always tell me that you are satisfied.”

“I am,” she whispered.

Tomorrow, Adam would begin his campaign to turn that I am into an I do as soon as possible. He had not been in control of his passions enough and if he got her with child, her reputation would be in tatters. It had not been intentional but she would hate him for that.

He snuggled closer to her and covered them with a sheet. It was a warm night, and Rebecca fell asleep in his arms very quickly. Soon after he was very glad she had. A group of people passed his door. Any earlier, and they would have heard he and Rebecca making love. They had not been quiet that time.

Chapter 12

“Weddings are such bittersweet occasions, aren’t they, sister?” Fanny murmured as she and Rebecca stood back while the younger sister finished being dressed for her wedding. It was almost time to go down, too. Gideon Whitfield must be growing impatient.

The most anticipated occasion of the summer had everyone at Stapleton Manor smiling. From the servants to the many guests, the manor house was buzzing with enthusiasm. The flower-strewn drawing room was already filled with visitors who had made the journey to be with the family.

Every corner was festooned with ribbons and bows, and the great mantle, above which now hung the portrait of their late mother, stood in readiness for the ceremony.

Rebecca was content. She had done her part, made sure her sister’s special day would be as memorable as possible.

But tomorrow morning at first light, Rebecca would leave for London.

“She looks lovely,” Rebecca murmured, full of love for her younger sister. Jessica was marrying a man who truly loved her. And although at times Jessica was a little overwhelmingly attached to Gideon Whitfield, Rebecca believed that their match was perhaps the best she’d ever beheld. It was undeniable that Gideon adored Jessica, and that was all Rebecca could ask for.

Fanny hugged Rebecca suddenly. “Are you thinking about your wedding day like I am?”

Rebecca hadn’t thought of her own special day very fondly in years. She didn’t want to spoil today with introspection that could only leave her feeling bitter. She pushed the memories away. “Yours was such a grand occasion.”

Her sister made a little sound. “I remember hearing about yours after the fact.”

“You and Lord Rivers were in the north at the time,” Rebecca reminded Fanny. “You had been away for so long.”

“I would have come back to see you like this,” Fanny murmured. “I should have been with you.”

Rebecca shook her head. “I really don’t want to dredge up the past today of all days.”

Fanny sighed. “We should thrash this out soon. You are my sister, too, and I don’t like that we don’t talk about anything important anymore. I’m sorry about what I said yesterday. I thought, I assumed, incorrectly that you were jealous.”

Rebecca shook her head. “I only ever wanted you to be happy in your life with Rivers.”

Fanny sighed. “I wish Rivers had lived a little longer. There was so much we wanted to experience together. He was so fond of Jessica, and of you.”