She looked up then, eyes huge with emotion. “How can you be so certain? Men have urges.”

Adam shook his head, quite willing to kill her late husband all over again for what the bastard had done to Rebecca. She appeared confident, assured, but she was plagued by insecurities. “My urges, as you put it, lie solely in one direction. What of yours, Becca?”

She lifted her chin proudly. “Do I really have to say it?”

“Yes, sometimes a gentleman likes to know how a lady feels about him—from her own lips,” Adam warned.

She made a grumbling sound. “Well, I’m not going to flatter you and say that last night was the best of my entire life. I’m sure you could tell it was.”

“No, I didn’t realize that. Tell me what you liked about last night? Specifically.”

Rebecca fidgeted under Adam’s gaze. “I don’t know,” she wailed suddenly. “I don’t know how to say the things you want to hear. Other women—”

“I don’t give a damn about what other women might say or do with me. I want you,” he whispered. He caught her head and pushed her body against the nearest wall, leaned down until their lips were inches apart. “If you won’t tell me what you feel, how can I know what you want from me? I have yearned to get my hands on you since the moment we met by the lake today. Our kiss was too brief to satisfy me, and every moment since we parted then has been agony. That is what I think and feel, madam.”

Her eyes grew wider than ever. “Agony?”

“Agony,” he insisted. “So close but so far out of my reach. I ache for you,” he admitted.

Rebecca licked her lips. She stared at him for a long time before answering. “And I for you.”

She suddenly stretched up and pressed her lips to his. Adam bent his bigger frame to fit hers, and then put his hands beneath her sweet derrière. He lifted her up against him and, using the wall to support more of her weight, he ravished her mouth.

Rebecca wound her arms around his neck and held on to him as if she wouldn’t let go.

Adam quickly hiked up her skirts until they were bunched about her hips and he squeezed her bare backside, reveling in the small moans she let herself utter.

Rebecca’s hands were suddenly all over him, tugging at his clothing. Adam held them a little apart so she could unfasten his breeches, and when he felt the last button pop, he shoved the garment down his legs.

He pressed against her again and kissed her soundly.

The sensation of his hard c

ock against her bare skin was heaven. Rebecca trembled in his arms, rubbing her body against his urgently and kissing him more hungrily than he thought possible.

She broke away suddenly. “I need you.”

Adam knew where.

He wrapped her legs securely about his hips and brought one hand between them.

He teased Rebecca, and she gasped and shuddered in apparent ecstasy at his touch.

Adam wrapped his hand about his cock and rubbed the tip back and forth across her clitoris. “I love the way you move against me,” he whispered into the shell of her ear.

His confession earned Adam another small shudder and another throaty moan from the quiet woman. Adam set his lips to her neck and nibbled, devoting himself to making her moan over and over.

Rebecca loosened her grip on his neck suddenly and slid her hand between their bodies. The tips of her fingers brushed against the head of his cock a few times, but then she dislodged him completely.

Adam drew back to see what she was doing, and his cock thickened even more. Only Rebecca’s hand remained to tease herself with now, but her thighs were still wrapped tightly around him.

He moved to enter her, brushing the head against her opening. Then he pushed in to the hilt, straight and true, and claimed her body for his own. Rebecca’s eyes fluttered shut, and a small smile turned up her lips. When he withdrew, Rebecca was quick to sink herself against him again.

Adam had not intended the night to begin this way, but he couldn’t stop now.

“Please,” she begged. “Faster.”

Adam complied. He made love to Rebecca until the portraits hanging nearby rattled with every thrust. He loved her until he was panting and desperate for release. Her fingers tangled in his hair and she pulled hard, whimpering her pleasure.