Father sighed. “I see there’s no stopping you but should you run into any problems in the future, I want your word you will at least tell me what is going on. I’ll believe you, no matter what.”

She wouldn’t send for him. “Yes, Father. Thank you.”

Impulsively, she kissed his cheek, and then fled his presence.

Stapleton estate was now back in the hands of its rightful mistress, so with nothing else to do, Rebecca fetched her bonnet and set off for a walk alone in the sunshine.

Rebecca had not had very much time to herself lately. She’d hardly had any fun, except for the children and meeting with Lord Rafferty last night. A walk to the lake and back would clear her head, and then she would return to enjoy what was left of the party.

Father’s estate was well-tended, as all ducal estates should be. The servants in the gardens lifted their caps when she passed, but she did not stop until she could see the lake ahead.

Her eyes landed immediately upon Lord Rafferty. The earl was standing with his back to her, taking in the same view.

She had enjoyed surprising him immensely last night and had appreciated the bedroom skills he had so boldly boasted of lately. She felt satisfied with their coming together, pleased that he had comported himself as a gentleman in bed. There had been no awkward moments between them or lack of attention bestowed on her. She had been thoroughly bedded during the night and had achieved satisfaction on both occasions. Indeed, Rafferty may have wanted a third tumble this morning. However, dawn had been approaching, and she’d been eager to return to her own bed unnoticed.

They had not spoken since.

Rebecca cleared her throat and descended the short slope to meet him. “Good morning, my lord.”

Lord Rafferty turned around, his eyes widened a little when he saw her coming toward him, and then he quickly removed his hat. “Good morning, Mrs. Warner. What an unexpected pleasure to see you here.”

There seemed to be no undertone of seduction to his welcome, merely a polite courtesy exchanged between acquaintances. Rebecca took the remaining steps towards him and then dipped a curtsy. “And you.”

His smile grew. “What are you doing wandering alone on such a glorious day?”

She allowed her eyes to roam over his big frame for a few moments before speaking. Again, Rafferty was wearing one of his terrible waistcoats. It was too much to expect him to change but Rebecca had to admit that after last night, she might prefer him without any clothes on at all. She swallowed down her scandalous thought quickly. “I was getting some fresh air and exercise.”

“Yes, the drawing room seemed quite stuffy this morning. You missed nothing of any note. Just a bunch of windbags gossiping about people they think they know.”

Fanny had been holding court in the drawing room. “A good reason to be outside. Where is Ava today?”

He smiled. “Ava has been invited to the Hawthornes to visit, and I have graciously allowed her to go without me. I trust she will behave herself.”

Rebecca had seen the two girls together and was pleased with their similarities. “I think we will avoid disaster. What are you doing out here alone?”

“Pondering improvements. Would you care to join me on my stroll about the estate?”

She liked that they were not awkward with each other and nodded. “I’d enjoy that.”

Lord Rafferty held out his arm for her to take, but she declined.

“I am quite capable of walking on uneven ground unaided.”

“Just trying to be a gentleman,” he promised with a laugh. “I did not actually expect you to take my arm, but I offered it just the same for the sake of good manners.”

She frowned at him. “You’re making fun of me.”

“Did you think I would not seek ways to provoke you just because we spent the night together?” He leaned a little closer. “If anything, I think you can be assured of an increase of teasing after such an exciting night.”

She blushed. “Is there really a need to speak of last night?”

“Yes, but only when we are alone,” he promised. “If the inclination strikes you, I would be most happy to have your company in my bed again.”

Rebecca tried to hide her smile. She might visit him again but she would not give him advance notice. “I would not assume any such visit is guaranteed.”

“You cannot blame me for attempting to coax you back into my bed. I much prefer kissing that pretty mouth of yours instead of being lashed by it. Not that I dislike our arguments exactly,” he promised. “A little verbal sparring can be quite stimulating in the right setting.”

“Is that right?”