He worked himself in her body, determined to keep a steady pace until at last she found her release. Her eyes squeezed shut, and her body arched up to his with delightful agility. Rebecca was exquisite, more passionate than he had counted, more willing than he’d ever assumed. Rebecca was such a contradiction, he was momentarily overwhelmed with tender emotions he’d never expected to feel again.

He loosened his hold on her hands and lowered himself until her still-clad breasts brushed against his chest. He caught her mouth with his and kissed her soundly, and then he withdrew to surrender to pleasure by his own hand.

Adam muffled his groan against her hair, and then slumped as her arms wrapped tightly around his neck, keeping him close. He savored the long moments Rebecca held him, too. Affection after had been unexpected.

Before he really wanted to, he rolled over, wiped his sticky hand on his discarded shirt and threw it away.

He fell back to the bed and drew Rebecca to him, draping one arm around her heated body. He relished the feel of a soft bundle of gentle warmth against his skin—a balm for his lonely senses. Another unexpected pleasure.

Rebecca seemed happy enough to remain with him lo

nger, too. She sighed deeply, burrowed close and then grew still. Minutes ticked by, and still they said nothing to each other about what they had done. But his mind was whirling with plans for a future that did not include never talking about making love to Rebecca again.

He’d pleased her. He was sure of that. There was no reason not to make love to her again if they both wanted more.

He glanced down at her face. In repose, she seemed as grave as ever. But he’d never think of her that way again. Yes, she was serious, but she made love like a wicked angel.

Could he hope for more, tonight or any other night to come? The last house party the duke had thrown had lasted for weeks, and it would be delightful to be together as many times as they liked.

He could be discreet. He could pretend that nothing had changed between them in front of others for as long as necessary. He stroked his fingers down Rebecca’s spine and back up. Yes, another night with this woman was what he desired most.

Rebecca shifted suddenly, and he was filled with panic that she might leave already. But her face lifted to his, and he saw a question in her eyes.

“Stay,” he begged softly. Adam almost didn’t recognize his own voice. He’d never wanted a woman more than he did Rebecca at this moment.

“I’d like that,” she whispered. She subsided in Adam’s arms again, but her hand landed on his stomach.

Her soft touch drifted slowly over his chest and then started to wander much lower. She circled his naval several times before Adam moved onto his side to face her.

His cock was growing thick again thanks to her wandering hands, but he ignored his own needs to rouse hers again. He reached for the buttons at the top of her nightgown and undid a few.

Rebecca sucked in a breath of surprise as Adam moved his hand until it settled over her bare breast. Definitely a perfect handful. “You are so lovely,” he told her before pressing a kiss to her brow, and then another to her temple.

“Shh,” she whispered back. “You talk too much.”

“Not when it’s the truth. You’re a lovely and exciting woman.”

Her fingers traveled downward slowly and brushed against his thickening cock. She glanced down and captured him. He moaned, and Rebecca laughed softly. “Are you really as insatiable as you seem?”

“Oh, much worse. I’m going to make love to you again and again and again. Till dawn wakes us.”

Her lips found his then, and she pressed her body against his urgently. Adam wrapped his arms about her, determined to make good on his promise.

Chapter 10

Rebecca rushed towards the Duke’s study the next day, eager to answer the unexpected summons. She had been deep in conversation with the duchess about some last-minute arrangements she’d made for Jessica’s wedding day, happily handing over all further responsibilities for the upcoming nuptials. The duchess had assured Rebecca that she was well enough to take over. She’d been so grateful and had made an embarrassing show of trying to thank Rebecca. Thanks had not been necessary. What she had done was out of love for her family.

She tapped on her father’s study door, letting herself in at his entreaty to join him.

Her father was alone, standing beside a window reading a letter.

“You sent for me?”

“Yes, come in, Rebecca,” he said slowly. He folded the letter and studied her with a frown.

Rebecca came to a stop before him. She did not like the way he was looking at her. She worried that he knew about her and Rafferty somehow. “Is something wrong?”

“Yes. I have a letter of yours.”