“Your daughter is fast asleep already,” she assured him in a whisper. “I made sure she was before I decided to come see you.”

He drew closer, noting Rebecca appeared anxious, wringing her hands before her. She was dressed for the bedchamber—her hair tied in a loose plait that draped forward over her shoulder to her waist. “If not Ava, then what is wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong, my lord.”

“Then why are you here?”

Rebecca remained by the door a moment, her eyes large and fixed on his, but then she took a single step in his direction. “I thought… You offered to…” she began, and then clamped her lips together.

He’d offered to share her bed, but she hadn’t invited him. He’d phrased his offer many different ways, and he’d definitely been understood. He’d kissed her and received no reaction to that, either. Certain he’d failed, he’d made one last attempt that afternoon but Ava had spoken, and he hadn’t been alone with Rebecca since.

Had he been entirely mistaken about his chances? Had Rebecca been thinking about his suggestion all this time and only now found her courage?

Adam ran his eyes over the woman again, liking what he saw very much. Her body was hidden beneath yards of soft white muslin and lace, but that didn’t diminish her appeal. He could hardly believe that the prim and proper woman had come to his bedchamber dressed like that—or for the purpose he hoped. “Are you here for me?”

Her head dipped quickly into a nod.

He had underestimated the woman—she might feel just as lonely as he did, but she was not confident of what she was doing. That much w

as evident in her nervous mannerisms now.

“Welcome then,” he murmured, and then slowly advanced on her.

Rebecca held her ground, but he could see her panic clearly. She was breathing too fast, and she wasn’t looking him in the eye as she usually would. He’d rather not have Rebecca in his bed if she was going to regret it afterward. “I know what I said to you was shocking. I’m a direct man, and I do want you. I didn’t expect you to take such a risk with your reputation by coming to me this way.”

“I would rather it be this way,” she whispered, and then looked up. “There will be no misunderstandings between us after.”

“You do realize you will not be able to claim you didn’t desire me, don’t you?”

She nodded. “You will not misunderstand my intentions, either. You do not own me. After tonight, we will never speak of this again.”

He frowned at her request. As a young man, he’d tried to avoid entanglements with lovers who’d expected a commitment. But he was older now and valued women more than he once had. What if he wanted another night with Rebecca? It wasn’t outside the realm of possibility that he would still desire her in his bed come morning.

But if she said no, then it was no, and he would not argue. If she changed her mind after tonight, he would not tease her for it or refuse her. “No one should own anyone,” he promised. “Come here.”

And she would come many times during the night if he had his way, too. Something about the prickly Rebecca had always gotten under his skin. He wanted to do indecent things with her. He needed to make her scream, make her moan and beg to come undone again and again.

She took a step toward him and stopped closer than she usually would dare in public.

She was a small thing, every woman was small compared to him, but her eyes were fixed on his chest, and her sharp intake of breath seemed quite loud in the quiet room. He watched the play of emotions on her face. He had already begun undressing for bed. All he had on was his shirt, sleeves rolled to his elbows, and a pair of thin unmentionables clinging to his hips.

He wondered when was the last time she’d seen a man without breeches. “I can hardly believe you are here,” he whispered, brushing his fingertips across her warm cheek.

Her brow furrowed. “If you did not want me here, I can go.”

“I like that you came to me this way, but I never expected you to. You seemed…almost impervious to seduction. I have spent a great deal of time trying to figure you out.”

“When you weren’t deliberately provoking my temper,” Rebecca accused.

He grinned, thankful he’d given up spirits for the house party. “You have a fine temper. Very easy to rouse. But I guarantee I will give you no reason to complain about me tonight.”

She sighed. “Must you always talk about what you want?”

“Yes. If I were a quieter man, more prone to introspection than action, you would not have come to me.”

He reached for her plaited hair and untied the ribbon that held it together so neatly. When he had it, Adam waved it before Rebecca in triumph.

Her eyes widened slightly. “Give that here.”