“Friends whose parents are titled and also not tenants at your estate?”

“Ah, well, no. You are correct about that then. I only had the estate children when I was growing up.”

“I had my sisters and brothers and made friends through those connections. But an only child, a girl, without siblings or a mother, needs a broader connection to members of the aristocracy.”

“She seems to be getting along well with you.”

Rebecca’s expression grew amused. “If you’re not going to take my suggestions seriously, my lord, I’ll be on my way alone.”

“Oh, no you don’t. I’ll escort you to the stables.” They reached the stables soon after. The vast, sprawling building was teeming with activity at this time of day. “Wait here while I find someone for you.”

He strode ahead, noting Rebecca had not disagreed with him for a change. He found the stable master and brought him back to Rebecca to question. It seemed the carriage would not be ready anytime soon. “I’m sorry, madam. There’s a lot of work to be done yet.”

“It’s not your fault, sir. Thank you.”

They turned back for the manor, but Rebecca seemed lost in thought.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” she said quickly. “I have to get back to my work.”

He caught her arm. “You are making yourself a slave to your family.”

She gaped at him in stunned silence. She swallowed. “I am not.”

“I think you are. You’re acting for the duchess in everything. This is your father’s house, and he has a wife who should be arranging this wedding party.”

“She’s been very ill.”

“Well, she’s not today.” He pointed in the direction of the guests he’d left behind. “Her grace is out there, sunning herself and laughing along with the rest of your family. So are your sisters.”

Rebecca looked away.

“They are all enjoying an event you’ve slaved over for nearly a week now.” He crowded her a little but lowered his voice. “Don’t you think you deserve more than to become a servant to your own family?”

Her jaw firmed, but she did not argue with him. Rebecca seemed intent on making herself indispensable to the duke and duchess for some reason he couldn’t fathom. The woman had her own life. She could also have a hus

band and children if she put her mind to it, too. She was meant for more than this.

“I see how you are with your family. You love them, that is obvious, but do they love you as much, eh? Where is the line drawn between doing what you think is your duty and enjoying a little independence from them? When are you going to put yourself first?”

She wrenched her arm from his grip. “You know nothing of my life.”

“Well, I’m trying to, damn it.” He drew closer. “You are the most irritating wench I’ve ever had the misfortune to find attractive. I’d seduce you right here in the garden if I didn’t think you’d blame yourself for enjoying a moment of comfort in my arms.”

Her brow furrowed as her jaw worked. Adam expected to be put in his place at any moment. He’d certainly hit the nail on the head. Rebecca Warner belonged in the spotlight, not in the shadows.

She nodded but then shook her head. “I beg you will excuse me, my lord. I have a game to return to, and that is not a duty, I assure you.”

“Everything but pleasure is a duty. Oh, what the hell. I may never catch you alone again,” he whispered.

He caught her face in his fingers, tilted her chin up, and planted a lingering kiss on her lips right there in the garden. He drew back slowly, saw the surprise in her eyes, and then kissed again for good measure.

She stared at him, lips parted and damp, for a full minute in silence afterward. He brushed his thumb across her mouth as he released her. “Now you know what might be yours if you just say the word.”

When she did not give it still, Adam executed an elaborate bow, turned on his heel, and returned to the party.

Rebecca Warner hadn’t responded the way he’d wanted her too. Perhaps she never would, but one thing he did know—Rebecca Warner was destined to be unhappy, and there wasn’t a damn thing more he could do about it.