Strange game but with two active boys, he concluded it might be hard to play by ordinary rules. “If you know they’ll find you, why not stay outside and enjoy the summer’s day with everyone else?”

She shook her head. “I have a thousand things left to do yet, my lord.”

He frowned at her now. “You’re not enjoying the party you’ve organized, almost single-handedly it seems.”

“Her grace needs to rest as much as possible, but please, do not tell my father I said that.”

“He worries.” Adam shook his head. “I thought you were avoiding me.”

“Why would I do that?”

“You know why.” He gave her a hard look and moved closer. The woman managed everyone very well but hardly gave a thought to her own needs. Not one member of her family seemed concerned that she was missing the party, either, but he certainly was. He studied her complexion. Fair and lovely. Perhaps she didn’t like the outdoors. “Come back with me. I’ll fetch you a glass of whatever you like and find a chair for you in the shade if you prefer.”

“I’d rather not.”

“A walk then.”

She went to refuse, but he cut in quickly. “Isn’t there something else outside that you must check on?”

She thought a moment. “I did want to know how repairs on the carriage were coming along.”

“Well, there you go. We can walk to the stables together and you can check another item off those unending lists of yours. We can talk on the way there and back.”

“Talk about what?”

He scrambled for a harmless topic and gestured her forward toward the stables. “Ava.”

Her brow rose in surprise, but she fell into step.

“It was suggested I should employ a companion for the girl.”

“You can, of course. Although…” Rebecca thought a moment. “She’s a little young yet for a companion. An experienced governess would be a better choice.”

“What should the governess be experienced in, exactly?”

She looked at him in surprise. “You’re really asking my advice on how to raise your daughter?”

“Well, you’ve been on the marriage mart before. You’ve undoubtedly advised dozens of young women. You know what is expected during the season.”

She blinked and then scowled. “Are you saying I’m old, my lord?”

He cocked his head. “You understood my meaning perfectly well, madam. Don’t pretend to be offended that I noticed you’re a little older and infinitely wiser than a shy debutant.”

A soft laugh left her lips. Rebecca’s whole face lit up as she fully absorbed his description of her. She should laugh more often, he decided. Adam had rarely heard Rebecca laugh, or ever given her reason to now he thought about it. She seemed a completely different woman when she was happy.

He absolutely had to delay her return to the house now. “Well?”

“Next spring is the earliest I would recommend hiring a new governess. Let her enjoy one more year without thinking about the future. Then a governess and a dancing instructor are essential before you should even consider which year to launch her into society.”

“Good. Good. I have plenty of time then.”

“However, it is not wise to be complacent with her education.”

“I’m not!” he protested.

“She knows no French whatsoever.” Rebecca gave him a stern look. “She also has no friends her own age.”

“She has friends at home,” he protested. “And you arranged another for her yesterday.”