Rebecca met his gaze, a little embarrassed that she had managed the girl without his permission. “I apologize. I should have asked if you minded the connection first, my lord.”

“You really do think of everything.” He took Ava’s place at the table. “I should apologize to you, too. My comment about your late husband was thoughtless and I am sorry if you were hurt by it.”

“Accepted,” she whispered, wishing he would leave it at that and go.

Rafferty stayed. “I’ve been wracking my brain all morning trying to think of ways to amuse Ava in the coming days. I do not mind the connection, but I only know the elder Hawthorne to look at. Natalia, isn’t it?”

“Yes. Miss Natalia is the eldest of the six girls. Miss Olivia Hawthorne is about Lady Ava’s age, she’s the third child and has bookish tendencies.” Rebecca smiled quickly. “She will not be a bad influence on your daughter.”


Rafferty captured her gaze and held it so long, she grew warm all over. Rebecca felt her body responding to that look despite her best intentions. She resisted the urge to shift position in her chair. She would not give him the satisfaction of knowing his flirtation affected her. It would only encourage him to grow bolder. “Where did Samuel go?”

“He didn’t say where, only that he’d return by the dinner hour.”

Rebecca frowned at the news. She had been hoping to spend more time with her brother. She hadn’t seen him in so long. “Very well.”

Rafferty’s lips twitched. “What are you doing for the rest of the day, madam?”

“A great many things.”

He smiled widely, undeterred by her lack of clarity. “Mind if I keep you company?”

“I do mind. You’ll only distract me.”

“That was the whole point,” he said, and then chuckled softly. “But to make amends for upsetting you earlier, I’ll leave you alone until dinner so you have no further reason to be cross with me today.”

“Thank you,” she said, relieved he would go away so easily and that he’d apologized.

Chapter 7

Lord Samuel’s twin sons ran past Adam the next day. A minute later, they both ran the other way. And so it went for the next half hour until Adam wished he’d not given up the drink. He had a hard time keeping up with the boys’ comings and goings.

It didn’t help that they seemed identical in every way—looks, clothing, even their hair was cut the same. Adam gave thanks that he only had one offspring to keep an eye on, and that she was occupied elsewhere right now.

The guests were milling about on the lawn, enjoying the pleasant afternoon and beverages laid out on a nearby table. Among the guests was Lady Morgan, a viscount’s wife he’d known for many years. She caught his eye. Adam acknowledged her, and they drew together to speak. “Lady Morgan.”

“Lord Rafferty. What a pleasant surprise to find you here.”

He kissed her outstretched hand. Lady Morgan was a few years younger than himself. She was well connected and very easy on the eye. He considered her husband an excellent friend. “I could not miss such an occasion. Whitfield finally buckling under and giving up his bachelorhood. Who’d ever imagine such a thing?”

“No lady that ever tried to catch his eye,” she answered with a soft laugh. “He’s frustrated a great many of my friends over the years. As have you, my lord.”

“Me? I was married.”

“But no longer.” Lord Samuel’s twins barreled toward them, and Adam moved to protect Lady Morgan. The boys parted and ran around them, on their way to the far side of the garden. He stepped away from Lady Morgan as soon as the danger had passed. “It’s a little hectic this year.”

“So I see.” The woman shuddered. “Now what was I saying? Oh, yes. It’s past time you married again. You do need an heir, remember.”

He shrugged. Adam would like a son but hopefully a quieter one than

the pair circling the lawn right now.

“Come now. It’s not like you to be shy when it comes to women.”

“I’m taking a holiday.” He glanced about the gathering and noticed an obvious absence. “Where has your husband hidden himself? I don’t think I’ve seen him since first breakfast.”

Lady Morgan shrugged. “I suspect he’s gone to the stables yet again to admire that pair of young geldings Lord Samuel brought with him yesterday. I think he means to make an offer, though I daresay he’s gone on a fool’s errand.”