better,” Samuel insisted. “Now eat so you have the energy to play later.”

The boys fell upon the food as if they were starving at last. Keeping them in line was a full-time occupation. With the wedding and the expected guests, their father would not be able to spend every waking moment with them. Neither would she. They were such restless souls, much more so than any boys she’d ever heard of.

She stepped outside when she noticed her maid waiting. Nancy had been around the boys before and seemed unfazed by their antics. “Nancy, can you make sure the housekeeper is aware the twins are in residence and require their amusements to be set up as soon as it can be done.”

“We can help too?” the younger of the twins offered, suddenly appearing at Rebecca’s elbow.

“Indeed you can and will, Tommy. But not yet.”

Rebecca drew the boy back into the room with her and urged him to sit and eat again beside his brother. Then she turned toward Fanny, who had collapsed into a side chair. “You must be fatigued from your journey.”

“Indeed.” Fanny was watching the boys with a wary expression. “I think I shall take advantage of the quiet to change before we meet the duke and duchess.”

“Of course,” Rebecca agreed wholeheartedly. “I’ll have a maid sent to you as soon as possible.”

Samuel covered his mouth and chortled as soon as Fanny was gone.

Rebecca tried not to laugh, too. “How did she survive the journey with them?”

“I never left her alone with them and I had the horses flank the carriage. The boys spent most of the journey with their heads either out the open door or with their faces pressed hard to the glass.”

“Oh dear.” Rebecca frowned, remembering Fanny’s earlier comment about why she’d traveled with Samuel. “And what did she buy you this time?”

“Nothing I would accept.”

Although curious, Rebecca did not press him.

When the boys seemed to have finished grazing on the food, Rebecca happily handed them over to a pair of strong-willed gardeners who could stand the shouting. “Enjoy yourselves, my dears. I’ll be out to join you soon.”

She stood at the window and waved them off.

Samuel joined her, munching still on a sandwich. “You don’t have to mother them anymore, you know. They tell me they are quite grown up now.”

“Grown up at six? Never. I always enjoy looking after them,” she told him a touch wistfully.

A throat cleared behind them. “Lord Samuel. Mrs. Warner. Are we disturbing you?”

Rebecca turned around. Lord Rafferty again! His daughter was with him, so she had to smile. “Not at all. Do come in. Would you care for tea? A sandwich?”

“Nothing for me, thank you,” Lord Rafferty said, but Lady Ava asked for tea. When Samuel and Rafferty strolled from the room, Rebecca helped Lady Ava chose a small piece of cake from the sideboard, too.

Rebecca poured tea for them both and sat down while the girl ate her fill.

Lady Ava glanced her way shyly. “Can I stay with you for the afternoon?”

“I’m afraid you would find my afternoon very dull.”

When Lady Ava’s face fell, she smiled kindly. “I am expecting a visitor very soon, actually. Someone about your age, too. Are you acquainted with Miss Olivia Hawthorne?”

Ava shook her head.

“Her father is a gentleman and they live not far away. Her mother is a good friend of the duchess’. She is one of six sisters, and I’ve invited her especially to meet you.”

Rafferty returned to the room, smiling. “It was kind of you to arrange that. Thank you.”

Rebecca considered the girl a moment longer. Lady Ava had changed into a lovely dress after their walk. However, it was not a dress meant to play in. “Why don’t you run along up to your room and change into that blue spotted muslin you brought with you? Nancy will be happy to help you change if you ring the bell for her. I’ll send for you as soon as the Hawthornes arrive.”

Full of excitement now, Lady Ava hugged her impulsively then skipped out the door without saying a word of goodbye to her father.