“Misjudged unfairly,” he cried as Father and Lord Newfield resumed their argument. Mother and Rebecca trailed behind, each offering the other a chance to play with Jessica first.

Jessica looked over her shoulder as Father and Lord Newfield’s voices rose louder than ever. Poor Papa. There were times when his life seemed unfairly boring.

Lord James followed, silently, thank heavens. At least he could withhold his opinions on occasion. She turned away from him without smiling.

A set of maple drawers contained all the music the family owned, and Gideon opened the drawer containing duets. “So many to choose from,” he said as he began to shuffle through the collection.

Jessica winced. Giddy really was terrible. For a man who had a lovely instrument sitting idle at home, she couldn’t account for his lack of skill. His mother had played beautifully until the day she died, she’d heard.

He chose one sheet at last, turned for the instrument and sat down at the bench before Lord James could beat him to the spot.

Jessica exchanged a resigned glance with Mother and then sat at his side. She read the music sheet he’d placed before her, noticing it was a very old one she hadn’t played in years.

Lord James, denied a chance to sit beside her, hovered near the instrument—obviously keen to take Gideon’s place the moment he rose. Jessica took her time reacquainting herself with her part, and then braced herself as she glanced at Giddy. He had to start first. “I’m ready.”

“Good.” He fitted his eyeglasses and raised his hands to the keys.

And then he played. Perfectly.

Jessica gaped in shock and continued to stare as he performed his part of the piece flawlessly without her. He glanced her way, one eyebrow raised. “This is a duet,” he noted. “Shall we try again?”

“Yes.” She gaped still. Mind reeling. Gideon knew how to play the pianoforte. “Yes, please.”

She faced the keys and played with him, the first time she’d ever enjoyed doing so. They played to the end, and then his fingers left the keys. The silence was startling in the wake of their performance. “Whenever did you learn to do that?”

“I took lessons as a child. My father did not approve and made me stop, but while you were gone to London, I found an instructor to refresh my memory,” he confessed, a slight smile turning up his lips. “Not so terrible now.”

“No indeed. But as you’ve always told me, practice will help. There is nothing you cannot do once you set your mind to it.”

“I wanted to surprise you when you came back,” he touched the tip of her chin with his knuckle, “you’ve no right to tease me about how terribly I play now.”

Astonished and so very pleased, Jessica hugged him quickly. He’d done it for her, she was sure. From now on, she wouldn’t play duets with any gentleman but him. Especially not Lord James. “Thank you, Giddy,” she whispered. “We’ll be able to play together all the time soon.”

He laughed softly as he reached for the music sheet and folded it closed. “Anyone would think I did something unusual.”

“Not unusual for you, but very agreeable.” Excited, she jumped to her feet. “Shall I find another we can play together?”

He shook his head and stood up. “Let us hear you with Mrs. Warner next.”


He leaned close. “It took me all the months you were away to perfect that one.”

“I’ll teach you another, starting tomorrow,” she decided, grinning at him shyly.

Gideon smiled back too. “I was hoping you wouldn’t mind helping me along with my lessons when you have the time to devote to my instruction.”

She shivered at the suddenly husky tone of his voice. Later, when they were married, when she was his wife, her life would be devoted to him in so many ways.

She turned away as her pulse kicked up speed. The problem with suddenly feeling desire was that she’d not the faintest idea what to do with herself while the sensation lasted.

“When might you have the time to spare me a moment of your attention, Lady Jessica?” Lord James cut in bluntly.

Jessica looked up at Lord James, noticing his suspicious stare and clenched jaw.

She moved toward Gideon. “Never, my lord.”

Gideon put his arm around her shoulder briefly. “Jessica mentioned you spent a great deal of time with Lady Hannah Alexander during the season. I’m familiar with the family. I went to school with her uncle George for a time. Fine family. Not a hint of scandal anywhere in the ranks.”