Their kiss lasted a little longer than all their kisses combined, and he tried to slide away from the pressure of her body against his. “There.”

“Goodness,” she whispered, flopping onto his chest, pinning him down and rested her chin on the back of her own hand. “Your kisses just get better and better, don’t they?”

“If you say so.”

“Indeed I do say. Can we kiss again?”

He wrapped his hands about her upper arms, intending to push her off him if necessary. She had no idea what she was saying or how her words tortured him. “Why? Wasn’t that enough to satisfy your curiosity?”

“Not nearly enough.” Her expression grew serious. “Who knows when you might grant me another.”

Gideon let out a tortured groan and looked past her head and up to the heavens. “Why me?”

She patted his chest. “Should I have let Lord James catch me instead?”

He looked into her face quickly. “Not if you’d like him to remain alive.”

“You don’t approve of him?”

“He’s not the man for you.”

“I agree.” Jessica snuggled a little closer. “He’s not you.”

“I am going to regret this one day,” he warned.

“But not tonight,” she promised. “Tonight, I want you to be proud of me.”

His expression softened. “I’ve always been proud of you, Jess.”

“This is different.”

“It is.”

She looked away briefly. “Natalia says that a man might stick his tongue in my mouth while kissing me. Is it horrible?”

He lay still beneath her, and worried about all those talks she’d endured. Too much information or wrong information must be confusing. He lifted his hand to Jessica’s head and gently turned her face to his. “Not when done right.”

“Show me,” she begged, and slowly lowered her lips to his.

Their kiss began as the others had, but with Jessica hovering above him, tension quickly built between them. After due consideration, Gideon gently rolled her onto her side. He rose above her, his intention being to control their kisses. He gently cupped her face, slid his fingers along her jaw, to her throat, and behind her shoulder.

Jessica did nothing to stop him touching her body whatsoever. She eagerly embraced what they were doing together, and that worried him. Her arms wound around his neck and slowly pulled him down toward her.

Remembering her new request, he rolled her to her back, keeping his body at an angle to hers, and then ran his tongue along the seam of her lips. Jessica gasped.

Gideon took advantage of her surprise and teased his tongue into her mouth.

Jessica inhaled sharply, and he felt her wriggle in response. He had to place the heel of his hand firmly on the apple of her shoulder to prevent her from rolling into him. Things could quickly get out of control between them if he did not exert his will at least a little. This was supposed to be a slow courtship after all, but Jessica was much too eager. She clearly thought she could wrap him around her dainty fingers. He was not so far gone as to not see the risks of giving her what she wanted when she wanted it.

A soft whimper escaped her when he pulled back. “That is enough,” he said, gasping slightly.

Jessica collapsed back to the ground, gasping as well. “I think so, too.”

At least she could be sensible. Kissing led to bedding, and it was much too soon for that. He might need time to undo some of the poor advice she’s been given by well-meaning family and friends.

He burst to his feet, taking a few steps away as he pretended to brush himself off while discreetly adjusting his arousal. Kissing Jessica was exciting but it was far too soon to reveal the lust she stirred in him. “Get up, and we’ll sneak back inside.”

“Thank you, Giddy,” she whispered. After a moment, she stood, lifting his coat from the ground. She shook it out then lifted the garment to her chest. She hugged it a few moments and then held it out to him.