The girl blinked a few times. “Well, he can admire me all he likes when he’s on the other side of the room. He does not have to be party to every conversation I have.”

“He’s trying to get to know you, my dear. I believe he likes you romantically. I think he might be courting you.” The girl frowned. “Jessica, when a man likes you, he will find ways to make you notice him. Lord James likes to sit at your side, and his butting in is his way of making you look at him.”

“I prefer the way other men court women. Papa sits beside you and never says a word.”

Gillian laughed heartily. Jessica may not be aware of other men, but she noticed everything about her papa. “His grace sits beside me so he might avoid speaking altogether. He is certainly not courting me. After nine months of living here, he feels safe around me.”

Jessica gaped. “That is so unromantic, and unfair of him to use you so ill.”

“That is how it should be between us. Jessica, my dear, you forget again that your father employed me to take care of you, not him.”

“Would you look after him if you could?”

Gillian gasped. “Jessica! Stop changing the subject.”

The girl giggled. “Well, if we must talk about my suitors, we should also talk about you having one too.”

“No. I’m much too old for marriage.”

“You’re only eight and twenty years old. You could have another husband, and a child to love. My father describes you as a fine woman, and he’s never wrong.”

“He did?” Gillian quickly shook aside a sudden burst of pleasure. Every woman, even an old widow like herself, could be forgiven for preening a little when complimented by someone of distinction. However, she ruthlessly refocused on her charge. “Tell me what you think of Lord James?”

“I like him well enough, I suppose?”

“One way to know if you might like him is if the idea of kissing him appeals to you.”

Jessica scrunched up her nose. “Do I have to?”

“Most husbands will kiss their wives at some point in their marriage. It is an idea you must consider and accept,” she warned. She wanted Jessica to choose well and have no regrets. Marrying for wealth, comfort, was all very well, but without love and mutual affection, it could seem an empty lif

e indeed.

“They say Papa and Mama were always kissing.”

Gillian felt a pang of envy. “And they were very happily married, were they not?”

“Would you kiss Papa?”

Gillian threw up her hands at the girl’s foolishness. Lord Stapleton would never stoop to kissing a paid companion. “Stop your silly speculation about your father and I before you land me in a great deal of trouble. Companions have lost their positions, their very livelihoods, thanks to groundless accusations.”

“I won’t let anyone send you away over my nonsense.” Jessica nibbled her thumb, then nodded slowly. “I really don’t want to kiss Lord James, or anyone staying for the house party. I don’t know if I’d want to kiss anyone, in fact.”

Gillian winced. Hearing further verification that Jessica may not be ready for marriage gave her no pleasure. At Jessica’s age, Gillian had discreetly experimented with kissing two local boys to know that she did want to do it again, but with someone better. Jessica might be well developed in her body, but she was far too young to recognize desire in others or in herself. Conversation appeared all she was interested in so far when it came to gentlemen.

Unfortunately, Mrs. Warner was not patient or understanding, forever pushing Jessica toward Lord James unless Gillian intervened. “Then you won’t have to kiss him. Can we go down now before your father sends for us?”

“Oh, very well.”

Gillian linked their arms and drew her toward the main staircase.

At this time of the evening, guests would be gathered in Stapleton’s grand saloon one floor down. The duke had a lovely, comfortable home, except for the drafty halls and endless rooms to traverse to get anywhere. She would be very sorry to have to leave once Jessica was married, but there was no way around it. Once Jessica found a husband, Gillian had to find new employment.

Halfway down the stairs, Gillian glimpsed the first sign of trouble.

There was mistletoe attached to an unlit chandelier.

There was also the shadow of an unfamiliar figure lingering in the library doorway below. She had no idea who the fellow might be, but whoever it was could not be the right man to deliver Jessica’s first kiss if he thought surprise was an option.