There was silence behind her for a great many minutes before Stapleton sighed heavily. “You’ve done nothing wrong, madam. I am entirely to blame yet again.”

She was unable to look at him. She needed this position, and she could not leave Jessica to face her sister’s machinations alone. “I quite understand. It was the mistletoe.”

“And you.” Stapleton approached and set his hands lightly on her shoulders. Even though she flinched, his hands remained steady on her skin. “Thank you very much for the kiss, Mrs. Thorpe. It was delightful, as is everything you do. Don’t let me keep you any longer if you wish to go.”

Chapter 5

Nicolas was unused to being frustrated by pretty widows. Usually they were desirous of his company and would never dream of turning away from his pursuit.

But this particular one was in his employ, and thus far proved a worthy adversary.

Gillian Thorpe was doing everything in her power to ensure the space between them was maintained. She’d deliberately stepped out of his path numerous times over the past two days and he was beyond amused by her new timidity.

If she did not want more kisses from him, fine. He would never pursue an unwilling woman. But he was concerned that she appeared quite embarrassed by what they had shared thus far.

Even if she’d been married and claimed to be experienced enough to guide Jessica, she was out of her depth when it came to the passion he’d discovered in their kiss.

That did not deter Nicolas from seeking her out at every turn, just for the pleasure of her calming company.

It was quite unlike him. He could not account for his interest or his desire that Gillian Thorpe should become as comfortable around him as she’d been before the first kiss. To that end, he’d scoured the house for the woman and, of course, found her in Jessica’s shadow.

He slipped into the music room and shut the door quietly, knowing that his daughter’s piano practice would cover the sound of his arrival.

His quarry was absorbed in the view out the window, but her fingers hovered over her lips.

He hoped she was thinking of his kisses because he dreamed of hers. Despite the rebuff, he still admired her very much.

And yet he couldn’t afford to lose her from his employ.

Gillian Thorpe was essential—for his daughter’s happiness and his own peace of mind.

Under Gillian Thorpe’s watchful eye, Jessica was growing so confident in her abilities every day that he was relieved beyond measure at finding her. Jessica played beautifully, but her volatile temperament meant she took criticism to heart. When Jessica came out in society, her deportment would be under scrutiny from every quarter. A tantrum in public was quite out of the question.

The music stopped suddenly. “Papa.”

Jessica flew across the room and into his arms.

Nicolas hugged her to him and kissed the top of her head, his heart full of love for the gift of his youngest child. It was moments like these he dreaded Jessica going away. She had grown up completely unaffected by her position in society. She had never held her title of lady over anyone of lower rank. She loved everyone equally depending only on the length of her acquaintance. “Good morning.”

“Did you hear me play?”

“Indeed. It was so good, for a moment I swore it was Mrs. Thorpe at the instrument.”

Gillian Thorpe played very well, but not often. She insisted that Jessica be given every opportunity for practice and adulation, so rarely played herself except if they found a difficult passage in the music that must be practiced.

“Oh, she still won’t.” Jessica tugged him toward the piano. “Convince her for me, Papa. Or better yet, play a duet with Gillian like you did once before.”

He smiled, silently thanking fate for an excuse to linger. To sit at Gillian’s side and rebuild her trust was imperative. “Will you do me the honor, Mrs. Thorpe?”

Her eyes darted toward the doorway, but she did nod. Nicolas waited for her to take a seat at the instrument then perched beside her on the narrow bench.

“What would you like to play, your grace?”

“Any lively tune will do.” He smiled, but was far too aware of her proximity. “Last time I do not think I played very well. I should very much like another chance to impress you.”

He was not only talking about the duet.

He wanted to kiss her again, so very much if she would give him another chance. If not, he wanted their easy companionship back.