I feel a kinship to this poor woman. Almost like I should know her.

I don’t, though. And when Melisandre asks in a mocking tone if I do—if I know either of them—I just shake my head.

She lets out a laugh. It’s sweet and it’s lovely, and it sends chills skittering down my spine.

And then she asks joyfully, “Truly? You don’t recognize your parents?”

My… my parents?

I thought I was frozen in place before. Now? It’s like my sneakers have been rooted to the floor. I can’t talk, can’t breathe, can’t even freaking blink. I’m staring at the two of them in disbelief.

My parents?


Over my shock of discovering that the two statues in front of me are my freaking parents, Melisandre continues talking.

Man, she must love the sound of her damn voice. Even if her explanation is actually helpful, I wish she’d just shut up already.

“In Faerie,” purrs the queen, “my people can’t use their charms on each other. It’s why humans have their use. I couldn’t compel Aislinn to do my bidding, and his human pet’s ability to negate glamour meant she was useless to me. Still, they make lovely statues. I do so love to decorate my garden.”

I shake my head roughly, forcing myself out of my shock-fueled gaze. My fingers clench so tightly, my leather gloves groan.

Her eyes brighten. “Ah. That’s right. You’ve been to my gardens before this afternoon. Did you enjoy your first welcome?”

Don’t let her see how she affects you, Riley. Don’t let her have an inch or she’ll take a mile.

I gulp. “Can’t say that I did.”

“Oh. I thought you’d be pleased to see… now, what was that pet’s name? Hmm. I should remember. He was so helpful, keeping me informed on the goings of the Shadow for so long until I grew bored of him.”

“His name was Jason,” I grit out.

“Ah. So it was. After a while, they all seem the same to me. Not these two, though. Aislinn and his human were different. Special. They created the Shadow.” She waves her hand in my direction again. “They created you. And, instead of giving up their child, they sacrificed their lives to save yours. Now, it’s your turn.”

“My queen?” It’s Rys speaking up. I’d know that voice anywhere. “I thought you were going to spare the Shadow.”

Spare the Shadow? Yes, please.

Melisandre turns her head just enough so that while I’m still in her sight, she can make it clear that she’s addressing Rys when she says, “Hold your tongue, or risk it. You’ve been warned.”

Rys clamps his mouth shut. His golden gaze flashes murderously. Wisely, though, he shuts up.

Who was that look for? Me or the queen?

I’m not so sure. And, heeding his queen’s warning, he stays quiet.

She nods royally, ending the motion with an almost unnoticeable shake that makes her blonde curls whisper enticingly over her slender shoulders.

“Pardon the interruption. Where were we? Ah, yes, the Shadow Prophecy… what a moldy, old thing. Why, who’s to say that what’s been handed down over the eons is the same as what was foretold? I had a pet once, I forget them now, who explained to me about this human game. Meanings can get twisted, the more folks who know a secret. And the Shadow Prophecy has always been.... mmm, shadowed in secrets.”

No kidding. The piece of paper Carolina gave me with the prophecy scrawled on it was my be-all and end-all when it came to understanding all of this. Now that I know Carolina was serving the queen, can I even believe it?

Probably not.

“Still, in every version, it seems as if you’ve been fated to end my reign. Unfortunately, I’m quite fond of my position. I worked very hard to call the throne and the realm my own. I’m not about to allow some halfling to swan in and ruin it for me.”