He just never figured on it being so hard to say goodbye again. Which was one more reason why he hadn’t the last time he left home.

Still, because it wasn’t a surprise that he was standing in his old childhood home on Christmas Eve again this year, he took Maria’s hand in his.

“I’ll see you soon,” he said, aware that it wasn’t a lie only because Tessa wouldn’t let it be. “Until then, I hope you enjoy the presents under your tree.”

“Presents?” Behind the glossy sheen of the tears, a childlike wonder filled Maria’s gaze. “You brought me presents?”

“Of course, I did. I’m still your big brother and I’ll always know what you need.”

She laughed, a high clear sound so at odds with her normally husky tone. “That makes two of us then, since I hoped for a short visit. I had Sly put your gifts in the Mustang’s trunk earlier. Which I wouldn’t have had to do if someone—” Her pretend pout and mocking glare at Lucas first, then Tessa, made him laugh, “—had told me where he was staying since he left Hamlet. Those e-mails left out quite a lot, I’m thinking.”

Tessa waved her hand to get Maria’s attention before pointing conspiratorially over at Lucas. “I wanted to tell you. Blame him. He thought it would be better if we told you in person. Next time, though, I’ll fill you in before we pop up unannounced.”

“Unexpected visits are always welcome,” Maria said firmly. “I would just like to know what’s going on with Lucas. It’s only been six or seven weeks since you left home and everything’s so different. Live your life, ‘cause Lord knows I’m living mine, but it’s Christmas. Christmas means family. No matter what changes—” Another peek toward Tessa, a warm, longing look thrown Sylvester’s way, “—we’re still family.”

“You’re right, Maria, as always. No more secrets,” Lucas said, and everyone in the room knew his solemn statement for the lie it was.

Maria laughed again, proving that she wasn’t even going to pretend to fall for it, and gave Lucas a squeeze. Before she stepped away from him, she said, “Ti voglio bene, fratello. Prenditi cura di te, e anche Tessa.”

His jaw tightened at how easily Maria switched into the second language. Instead of complaining, though, he leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek. “Si.”

Leaving Maria in Sylvester’s care, well aware that she would be diving into the pile of presents he left for her in no time, Lucas led Tessa out of Ophelia. His hand hovered near her elbow as they took the porch stairs carefully, wary of the ice.

The walkway was just as coated. A sheet of ice stretched from the house to the curb, a dangerous path that had Lucas gritting his teeth. He stayed at her side, in case she slipped.

“Be careful of the ice, cuore,” he murmured.

Tessa nodded and latched onto his hand, going slowly as they walked toward the car.

When they reached it, Lucas opened the door for her, stealing a swift kiss before she climbed into the Mustang. Following his own advice, he stalked carefully around the front of the car, slipping into the driver’s seat just as Tessa finished checking the fit on her seat belt.

He didn’t bother doing up his own, knowing that she would wait until she couldn’t take it any longer and then snap at him to put it on. Her flash of fire, the worry on her face, the way she nagged was a special treat for Lucas.

In her way, it told him how much she cared.

The day Tessa didn’t fret over whether or not he wore his seat belt would be the day he’d know he lost her forever.

Lucas would never, ever let that happen. He was sure Tessa knew it, too. It was a good thing she loved him as obsessively or their relationship would have an even messier end than the ones they each had before it.

If there was one thing Lucas learned from his disastrous marriage to Caitlin—and Tessa would no doubt agree—it was that the relationship wouldn’t work if it was one-sided. Good people or bad, innocent or guilty, naughty or nice… each of them had to be as devoted as the other or it would never work.

He loved Maria. Adored his sister, and always would. But Tessa? He was absolutely devoted to her. In a couple of hours, when he made his oath and said his vows, then she would know it. As if she didn’t already.

‘Til death do us part.

For Lucas De Angelis, it wasn’t just a promise.

After starting the Mustang’s engine, he gave his front pocket another surreptitious pat before laying his hand possessively on the knee of Tessa’s jeans.

They had barely pulled away from Ophelia’s curb when she said, “Seat belt, Luc.”

He tried to hide his smile. “I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not,” she snapped. “The roads are way too icy. What would I do if we got in an accident and you were hurt? Don’t do that to me. You can never leave me.”

Slowly, he took his hand from her knee, reaching over his chest and pulling the belt back across his body. Once it snapped in place, Lucas placed his hand back on her knee and gave a little squeeze.
