
I cross the room, checking out the facilities. It’s not as compact as the rectangular shower box in Siúcra, but a clawfoot tub that is a smaller version of what Veron had at his palace.

I don’t know exactly how money works in Faerie, but a night in this room has got to be worth a ton of gold pieces.

My guilt only grows when I think about how I won’t be able to pay for my stay. Sure, Hildy waved away my worries when I mentioned them, but that’s only because I mentioned Rys.

Does she know him? That would explain it.

Leaning my hand against the bedpost as I take in the room again, I frown.

Just… how does she know him?

Jealousy is a hard ball deep in my gut. I swallow roughly, hating the way it seems to twist my insides. It’s like when I found out he thought he already found his mate all over again.

It’s my problem. I know. I’ve always had a hard time when it came to controlling my jealousy. My whole life I’ve been a bit of a people pleaser, eager to agree if it saved me the time and the trouble of arguing with someone. I have to really be pushed before I let my anger get the best of me. Unfortunately, being jealous over a man is one of the biggest buttons I have.

Hildy is a knock-out. She might be sweet on the prison guards who visit her inn, but the way her whole friendly attitude changed when I mentioned I was looking for Rys? There’s something there, something I’m missing.

And I don’t like it.

Ugh. If I wondered about just how deep my feelings for Rys ran, I might’ve just found my answer. If I didn’t care about him, I’d be able to brush aside my curiosity when it came to his relationship with the barmaid. But I can’t.

Just like I can’t stop myself from thinking about the half-human woman that Rys used to love.

Still loves?

My hand squeezes the knob, and I let out a sharp breath.

Can’t worry about that now. Rys was right when he said that we had to get out of Siúcra first, then deal with everything else. And I know he means the whole thing with humans being in trouble and some of the other fae plotting against the Summer King, but now that I’m basically stuck here, I have to deal with that, too.

I… am not looking forward to it.

Even though I wasn’t really tired, the lure of that luxurious bed proved too difficult to resist.

First, I sat down. When hours passed and I still hadn’t heard any news about Rys, I kicked off my boots and laid down on top of the blanket. I don’t know how long I lasted before I fell asleep, but I jolt awake when someone knocks briskly against the wooden door.

It takes me a second to remember where I am. I’m used to waking up in a narrow cot, peeking through the bars on my cell. This is so different—I’m actually comfortable for the first time in ages—that I’m confused. My immediate reaction is to reach for my boots and get ready to defend myself.

That’s when I see the strange fire. The wide bed. The glass sconces and pretty decorations.

I’m in the inn. I’m waiting for Rys.

And there’s someone at

my door.

“Hello?” My voice comes out as a rasp. I clear it, then try again. “Um. Is anyone out there?”

“Mum Hildy sent me to retrieve the human. Someone’s down below looking for you.”

It has to be Rys.


My boots are hanging from my hands by their laces. I sit on the edge of the bed, jamming my feet into them as quickly as possible. I straighten my leather jacket, patting the back of my hair. It’s probably a disaster from the pillow.

Oh, well.