“Feed the human,” purrs Posey. “Then leave mine on the floor for later when I’ll need my strength.”


Vale does exactly what she says. He moves quickly, flitting over to my cell in the blink of an eye, then scootches my plate under the bottom bar. In his haste, he nudges it too hard and one of the pieces of fruit falls off the plate, rolling back toward him.

Posey tuts.

“My apologies,” he murmurs.

He squats low, pushing the plum toward me, making sure it’s within my reach. I can’t imagine why he would care enough to do that when I see his hand twitch, then aim for his crotch.

Jesus, look at the size of that bulge.

He adjusts himself, making room in his tight uniform pants, before rising again.

“Better, Vale. Now come here.”

The guard sets her plate down gently just outside of Posey’s cell.

I’ve already popped a grape into my mouth. Mm. Delicious.

Posey licks her lip, a ravenous expression flashing across her gorgeous face as she follows Vale’s every move.

I don’t get it. “Aren’t you hungry?” I ask.

Posey’s shockingly white eyes gleam as she continues to eye him like a spider with a fly caught in its web.

“Starving,” she says, then licks her lips. “Just not for food. Come, Vale.”



Okay. I understand now.

So does Vale. The guard jumps to attention and then, without a backward look at me, waves Posey’s door open.

Posey has so many visitors that it’s hard to pretend I don’t notice them all. Vale is just the first in a long line of guards who open her cell, then enter it.

She doesn’t seem to mind that she has an audience. The guards, either. As far as they’re concerned, my cell is empty. Except for the few times that Dusk comes by, none of them even look at me. They’re all here for Posey.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what Posey eats. At first, I’m shocked, then angry on her behalf that the guards use her that way. Then I remember how she turned me on with a laugh and it all starts to make sense once Posey explains it to me.

She’s a succubus. She oozes sensuality, and she takes sustenance from sex. As simple as that. So when she said she was starving? It really wasn’t for food.

She needed Vale. And the rest of the fae guards that followed.

I try not to judge. It’s like how surprised she was to discover that I’m a human who’s avoided being touched by the fae. We don’t understand each other, but we don’t need to.

We just have to accept it.

“You don’t want their touch and that’s fine,” she told me shortly after her third visitor left that night, looking drained but utterly satisfied. “Me? I need it to survive. The more the merrier. Being imprisoned in here is the best thing that fae bitch could’ve done for me. It’s like a smorgasbord, so many desperate fae males ready to submit to me just to wet their cocks. I love it and, if you don’t want any of my leftovers, I’m happy to take them all.”

She couldn’t put it any better than that. She wants the dick. I don’t. As the only two chicks in here, we agree to disagree—but that doesn’t mean I’m down to watch.

Turns out, that isn’t a problem. It’s more magic. Depending on what guard is in there with her, there’s some kind of curtain. The Unseelie guards conjure dark, thick shadows on the outside of her iron bars to hide what they’re doing. The Seelie? Bright, golden flames that make the air scorching, but they crackle loud enough to cover up the pants and the moans and the shouts.

I don’t blame her, either. Despite the fact that her type of creature craves sex, she definitely sounds like she’s enjoying herself. I’d have to be a cold fish not to get a little turned on, and that’s before I take her magic into play; just being near a succubus makes me horny as hell. Even worse, with things being so rocky between me and Jim lately, it’s been ages since anyone’s touched me. I ache for it.