She’s gorgeous, b

ut her eyes are kind of creepy.

Great. I don’t want to stare at her strange eyes, but if I look down, I’m gawking at her chest. I settle on looking at her ear, offering a shaky grin as she studies me closely in return.

“I didn’t know there was another female,” she announces. “I’m sure you’ve noticed by now that there aren’t any others.”

I totally have. I’m still surprised that she exists in here, too.

“Is that on purpose?”

Posey shrugs. “Siúcra is the most infamous prison in all of Faerie, but it’s not the only one. Because of the way the magic feeds on us, only the worst of the worst get sent here. The ones who will never get out again.”

That’s just like what Rys said to me. I knew he was telling the truth, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t another blow to hear it coming from someone else.

“So… what are you in for?”

I’m almost surprised that she asks me that. I thought, by now, everyone knew about the idiot human who refused a Seelie noble. Guess not, since she hadn’t even heard that I was thrown into prison more than a week ago.

So I tell her. She coos softly in sympathy as I explain how I ended up in Faerie in the first place, nods like she knows what I’m talking about when I mention the auction block at the Faerie market, before finally snorting when I get to the part where Veron gave me my ultimatum: him or Siúcra.

“Some males don’t understand the word no. Shame.” Posey waves her hand regally. “Such a trifling offense. You shouldn’t be in here.”

She’s preaching to the choir.

“What about you?” I ask. “What did you do?”

Posey grins. Her teeth are gleaming white, perfectly straight—and they end in small points. “The opposite of you, dear human. I let the wrong man touch me.”

“And they put you in prison for it? That’s messed up.”

“I knew it might happen when I seduced the Fae Queen’s former consort. I got off easy. She added Salem to her garden as a frozen statue afterward, then grew bored and smashed it. I just ended up in Siúcra for the rest of my days.”

“Because her man cheated on her?”

“What can I say? Melisandre was always a jealous one.”

Posey punctuates her comment with a laugh, a husky chuckle that sends shivers up my spine. I can’t tell if she’s laughing at her fate—or my reaction to hearing even more about a fae’s cruelty.

And not just any fae. The queen… who also lost her head, so I guess turnabout’s fair play, huh? Except for poor Posey. She’s still stuck in here with me.

Hey. At least she can laugh about it.

And that laugh... whoa. There’s something about it that’s so… so erotic, my nipples harden at the sound, and holy shit. I don’t know what she just did, but I feel it.

I cross my legs, also feeling hot and bothered all of a sudden. She can tell, too.

And the door on the far side of our wing whooshes open.

As if she wants to keep what just happened a secret between us girls, Posey lifts a finger to her rose-colored lips and winks. I nod, and try to get control of myself.


Because it’s something else to focus on, I look at the Seelie guard moving swiftly down the aisle. It’s Vale. Something tells me that I shouldn’t be surprised to see him again so soon.

He’s by himself, carrying two plates of food.

“Evening meal,” he says needlessly.