It was raw and quick and powerful, over in minutes, but they were shaking in each other’s arms as they caught their breath. Her vision sparkled and she felt as if she radiated ecstasy.

“You okay?” he murmured as he kissed her neck. “That was pretty primal.”

“That was an appetizer,” she said, languidly kissing him and using her tongue. Her fingertips traced the damp line through his shirt down his spine. “Now you can take me downstairs and show me your best moves.”

“You’re sounding pretty bossy there, Mrs. Vozaras.” He straightened and gently disengaged so he could hitch up his jeans and scoop her off the desk into a cradle against his chest.

“Only a problem if we want different things, and I don’t think that’s true.”

He cocked his head in agreement. “You’re so right. Monitor,” he prompted, dipping his still-weak knees so she could grab it off the corner of the desk.

She craned her neck over his shoulder as he carried her through the door. “You gonna leave my clothes on the floor like that?”

“Do I look stupid? We’re on the clock. He could wake up any second.”

She traced his lips with her fingertip. “But if the boat rocks, they’ll be thrown all over the place,” she teased.

He paused on the stairs. “I am dry-docked and landlocked, sticking right here with you, my siren of a wife. We’re on solid ground. Nothing is going anywhere.”

“Aw.” Touched, she kissed him. It grew deeply passionate. He let her legs drift to find the step above him so he could roam his hands over her naked curves, lighting delicious fires in her nerve endings.

She worked on divesting him, caressing heated skin, leaving a few more articles of clothing on the stairs before she led him below to christen their new bed.

* * * * *