“The pure, undiluted sex vibes that always buzz around you two? Um, yeah,” Grace said. “And the longing?” she added more quietly. “We’ve seen that too.”

Riley glanced down quickly at her wineglass so her friends couldn’t see the dismay in her eyes. Were her feelings for Sam that noticeable?

And if so, was his lack of feelings for her obvious too?

“The only thing I don’t get is why now?” Julie asked, tapping a finger against her lip. “Why was this article the one that finally had you getting the courage to go after your guy?”

“Easy there, tiger,” Riley said, shooting a finger at Julie. “He’s not my guy.” Yet.

“Okay, still, why now? Why not put one of the more meaningless flings up for study in your article and figure this thing out with Sam off the record.”

“Says the woman who publicly announced to the world that she was in love with a boy.”

“You’re in love with Sam?” Emma asked.

Riley’s heart flipped.

“No! That’s not what I meant. It’s just … there isn’t any other guy I can write about.”

“Oh boy, she’s got it bad,” Grace said, topping off their wineglasses.

Riley took a deep breath. “No, I mean there literally isn’t any other guy. At all. Not now, not before …”

All three women froze.

“Explain,” Emma said slowly.

Riley swallowed. “Is the food here yet? Hasn’t it been a while?”

“It’s Saturday night. Be patient. Also, don’t change the subject. What do you mean there aren’t any other guys. What about previous partners?”

Riley stared at her wine.

Here we go.

“There are previous partners,” Julie said slowly.

“Sure!” Riley said brightly. “Only, you know … not plural.”

That last part came out in a mutter, but she knew from the shocked expressions on her friends’ faces that they’d heard her.

“You’ve only been with one guy?” Grace asked softly.

Riley’s head dipped forward until her chin rested on her chest. Guilty.

“Oh my God, Riley … Was it bad? Did he—”

“It wasn’t bad. I mean it was, but it wasn’t forced. It was just awkward and a little painful, and totally unsexy.”



“You haven’t had sex since college?” Julie exploded.

Grace sent her a warning look. “Which is fine, isn’t it, girls?”

“Definitely,” Emma said.