Sam shrugged and finally turned to face her, although he didn’t meet her eyes. “She’s stable. They’re releasing her tomorrow after observation. She merely wanted me to know that it was my fault for causing her so much stress. I haven’t exactly been son of the year. I hardly ever see her, and last time I did, I stormed out of the house.”

Riley inched toward the edge of the bed, her fingers itching to touch him again, but in comfort this time. “I’m sure she understands. My mom and I have gotten into a few doozies over the years.”

“Don’t do Erin the disservice of comparing her to my mom,” he said tersely. “This was different.”

“Why? What did you fight about?”

He didn’t answer.


Finally his eyes met hers, and the frustration in his pale blue gaze said it all. “Me? She doesn’t even know me.”

“Little details like the truth don’t stop my mother from being cruel, Ri. She probably just hates you because you make me happy.”

Riley’s heart stopped in her chest. What was he saying?

But telling as the declaration seemed to be, his expression hadn’t warmed, not even a little bit. And he sure as hell wasn’t moving back toward the bed.

“Sam,” she whispered, reaching out a hand.

He didn’t reach back. “I should go.”

“To see your mom? I can—”

“No, I’ll respect her wishes. But this can’t happen, Riley.”

“Of course. I know that you’re worried about your mom, and the time’s not right, but—”

“This isn’t a rain check, Riley. This is a wake-up call.”

Riley narrowed her eyes. Something about his tone … “What did your mom say to you?”

He looked away.

“Spill it.”


“Liar,” she shot back. “You let her get under your skin.”

“She’s sick, Ri.”

“Which sucks, but that doesn’t mean she gets to shit on you! What did she say?” she asked, her voice harsh as she climbed off the bed.

He raked a hand through his hair. “Look, I’m sorry, Ri. But we both know this would be a mistake for both of us.”

No it wouldn’t.

He moved to the wardrobe, pulling out a robe, and for a second he moved like he was going to wrap her in it himself before thinking better of it and tossing it at her roughly.

Burning with humiliation, she pulled the oversized cotton robe around her, even as her lust-addled brain tried to sort it all out.

He was leaving her? Like this?

“The room’s paid for,” he said gently. “Get some room service. The whole menu, since I know how you get when you don’t eat. Rent porn, I’ll never tell.”

She knew he was trying for a joke to lighten the mood, but she didn’t bite. “You’re acting like the worst kind of mama’s boy. Don’t let her do this to you. To us.”