“My pleasure.”


Cole glanced down at her, and normally she would have felt a little jolt at the sheer attractiveness of this man. Instead she couldn’t help but notice that his eyes weren’t nearly dark enough. And the hair was the wrong color. He was too tall—she didn’t like having to crane her neck. And …

Grace 2.0 cleared her throat. Since when has Jake Malone been the guy to whom all others are compared?


“Why what?” Cole was asking.

“Why are you helping us with this? It’s my magazine against yours. Isn’t this … treason?”

“Ah. Well, actually, I’m a contractor with Oxford, not a full-time employee, so technically I don’t work for them unless they ask for a specific article or want my opinion on something.”

Grace readjusted her grip on the coffees, trying to ignore the condensation that was now starting to drip down her wrist. “So you’re not going to get in trouble for this?”

“Nah. Cassidy won’t care as long as we sell magazines.”

“I meant with Jake.”

Cole let out a little snicker. “Oh, I’ll definitely get in trouble with him. Why do you think I’m doing it?”

“You don’t like him?”

Cole gave her an exasperated look. “I forget how differently you women operate. Liking has nothing to do with it. It’s just … never mind. Are you going to go in there or not?”

“I am,” she said, straightening her shoulders and praying to God this would play out like she hoped.

“You’ve got the login for the website?” she asked Cole.

“Yup. Ready and willing to go on record stating that Mr. Oxford isn’t nearly in control of the situation as he’d like to think.”

“Perfect,” Grace said with false confidence.

Because Ms. Stiletto wasn’t nearly as in control of the situation as she’d like to think either.

Chapter Twelve

Jake did a double-take at the woman in his doorway, and went on instant alert.


She ga

ve him a shy little smile and faltered, as though fearing he’d send her right back to the seventh floor where she belonged.

“Can I come in?”

She was wearing a royal blue dress that should have been demure and boring, but did fantastic things to her hair and complexion and …

Pull it together, man.

Jake stood and rounded his new desk. “Of course. Let me just close the door …”

“Oh, you can leave it open,” she said, looking increasingly nervous. “I’m just here for a second.”

He narrowed his eyes as he scanned her body. “And the hidden camera is …?”